Chapter 13

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My eyes widened, and I literally jumped out of the bed. I almost fell on my face, causing Zaria to giggle. Zaria hopped on my back as I stood, walking out the door. I walked towards the ramp, where everyone seemed to be gathered. Zemira looked at me panicked, but she calmed down once she saw Zaria on my back,

'Where were you!?' Zemira stormed over, and Zaria climbed in her arms.

'Sorry I couldn't sleep, so I went to sleep with dad.' 

Zemira nodded before kissing my cheek. We walked over towards the others, as they awaited for the ramp to drop. Alexandra typed something in before the ramp lowered, and Asena and the others ran out.

'Asena! Get back here!' Diana commanded 

As I walked down the ramp I noticed that the scenery seemed a lot like Earth before it turned to a dust bowl. There was trees surrounding us, and a clearing that led to a large pond in the middle. Although the sky was a light orange, so I really couldn't tell the time of day, or night for that matter. I sighed and walked towards Diana, whom had a squirming Asena in her arms. The others had already restrained their children.

'Mom let me go!' Asena cried struggling more

'Not a chance young lady. We don't know whats out there.'

'But mom!-'

'Asena listen to your mother.'  I stated as Diana smiled at me

'But dad-'

'Asena we don't know is out there yet. We just want to keep you safe, so will you promise me that you won't run off?'

'I promise dad..' Asena looked down at the ground

I patted her head and smiled, 


Diana set her down and Asena ran over to Lamika. She turned to me and smiled before kissing my forehead.

'Thank you for helping explain that to her, she wouldn't listen to me.'

I nodded, and she wrapped her tail around me. She pulled my back against her front, and she put her chin on my head. She wrapped her arms around me, keeping me in place. I sighed and shook my head. Sure I could run in the forest and try to loose them but, I just woke up. I chuckled as I watched Asena and Lamika play fight. My eyes wandered to the rest of the girls, whom seemed to be talking with some of the predators. 

'I guess you really are sharing me..' I looked up at Diana

'I hate to, but we owe Alexandra for getting us off of that wrecked ship.'

Alexandra walked up to us,

'There is a cave not far from here. It is large enough to start another hive.'

Diana nodded, and she removed her arms from my waist. Suddenly we heard a panicked hiss,


My eyes widened, as did the girls. I looked where I saw Asena and the others and noticed that they were gone. I heard more panicked hisses, and I ran in the direction of them . I ran into the forest until I came upon a clearing. I noticed Asena and the others huddled against the tree while looking at this wolf thing. It was snarling at them, making them scared. It was almost as large as me, and that's only on its four legs. It had black fur, red eyes, large teeth, and it seemed to have.. white stripes? It slowly stalked towards them, and I hissed at it, getting its attention. Its head snapped in my direction as I charged at it. I hit it in the side, sending it into a tree.

'Dad!' Asena and the others ran behind me

I hissed at the creature as it snarled. It got back up and I hissed at it, challenging it. I felt my eyes grow bright as it seemed to glare at me. It charged at me as the kids scattered to some place behind me. I dodged it, and it ran head first into a tree. It didn't come back at me, which confused me. It seemed to be trying to get into the tree's roots, and I heard Alexis hiss in fear. My eyes widened and I grabbed the wolf thing by its tail. I threw it into another tree, opposite of Alexis,

'Leave my children alone!'

I charged and pinned it against the tree, with my shoulder in its stomach. It snarled and thrashed as I cut it in the stomach with my tail. It snarled and clawed my back. I hissed in pain, but I didn't let up. Suddenly it bit me on the shoulder, causing me to scream in pain. It growled and hit me with its front leg. I screamed in pain as I landed on my back. It was quick enough and pounced on me. It clawed me in the stomach before it tried to bite my neck. I grabbed its mouth, keeping it away from my neck. I struggled with it as I tried to get my tail out from underneath me. Eventually I got it loose and I stabbed it through its stomach. My tail went through its body, and out its back. The wolf creature quickly loss fight as a blue blood leaked from its stomach. It went limp a few moments later, and I retracted my tail as I threw it off me. 

I struggled to breathe as I felt blood ooze out of my wounds. I looked down at my stomach, and weakly lifted my arm, and touched my stomach wound. I couldn't move my left arm, since the bite must've caused some nerve damage. I looked at my hand and saw that it was drenched in blood. I returned my arm to my side and Zaria ran over to me,


When she got closer to me I saw tears starting to form in her eyes,


The rest of the girls ran over, and started to cry.

'G-Girls don't cry.' I looked at Zaria, 'I promised you didn't I? I p-promised that I won't leave y-you f-four.' I weakly wiped Zaria's tears from her face

It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe. Zaria noticed, and her tears came back,

'Dad! Don't leave! You promised!'

I couldn't say anything, I was too weak. My eyes started to flutter close as I saw Diana at the edge of the clearing, running towards us. I saw Asena looked at her before saying something. I couldn't tell what it was, but she seemed to be screaming it. The ringing in my ears grew louder, and the last thing that I saw was Zaria's crying face.

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