Chapter 17

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2 years later....

2 years later and I've pretty much took everyone's virginity. Don't worry we didn't become a sex slave, the creature would come out if I wanted to be dominant, which came in handy. Asena and the others grew quickly, since they were half xenomorph. Sadly, they kept their mothers yandere trait. Alexandra took them off planet sometimes, which their mothers didn't agree with but whatever. Diana and the others wanted even more children as the others grew older. They wouldn't stop bothering me until I would finally come around and relinquish their needs. Right now I was sitting on a rock, not too far from the cave. I suddenly heard footsteps along with a voice,


I turned around to see Katie, which is Katherine and my daughter. She had her mother's blue hair, along with a xenomorph body along with my H/C hair. I smiled and got off the rock and opened my arms as she hugged me.

'What is it?' I asked smiling at her

'Asena and the others arrived with someone new!' 

My eyes widened slightly as Katie let go of me and grabbed my hand.  She led me towards the cave where one of Alexandra's smaller ships sat. Asena and the others were hugging a girl in the middle, whom looked terrified. I looked at Asena, and her queen features were a lot more dominant. A crown was now more prominent, and her tail was longer than the others. She also had more armor in more places than Lamika, Zaria, or Alexis. Asena smiled once she saw me,

'Dad! Come meet our mate!'

I walked over to them, and the mystery girl got even more scared. I chuckled before I spoke to her,

"Do you know what their saying?"

The girl eyes widened before she shook her head no,

"Y-You can talk?!"

"Yes I can. I was half xenomorph before I became full blooded. Now I'm Y/N, and who may you be?"

"I'm Emma."

I nodded and chuckled, 

"You may have to live in the main hive close to me, since you can't understand them." 

"Um thanks but can you tell me why they brought me here?" Emma asked looking at Asena cautiously

"Well they brought you here to be their mate. And don't even try to resist. They're just like their mothers-they will always find you." I warned

Emma looked at me frightened as I looked at Asena,

'Asena she will be staying in the hive with me since she can't understand you.'

Asena pouted letting go of Emma as did the others. I walked towards the cave with Emma, and Asena and the girls followed close behind. As we entered the cave I could tell a few male xenomorphs were staring down Emma. I growled lowly warning them to back off. Most of them did, but one continued to stare her down. The male xenomorph suddenly lunged at Emma. I quickly moved to intercept his path. I grabbed him by the neck as he shrieked, and Asena stood in front of Emma protectively,

'Do NOT hurt my future daughter in law.' I growled throwing him into the opposite wall

I could hear multiple cracks, signalling that he must of broken something. He hissed in pain before he walked away in pain. Emma looked at me afraid as I continued to walk towards the throne room,

'Asena? Did you tell your mother about your new..mate?' I questioned looking at her from over my shoulder 

'No. I was thinking on telling her after we told you.'

I nodded before we entered the throne room. Diana was on her throne with Luna, Alexis, and Zemira nearby. Diana's head immediately shot up looking at us. She scanned our little group before her eyes settled on Emma,

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