Chapter 12

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I woke up to the sound of the ship's engines. I tried to get up, but a sleepy Xana laid on my chest. I slightly smiled before I gently moved her, making sure she wouldn't wake up. Jade was asleep next to me, so I didn't need to worry about her. I quietly got off the bed and headed towards the door. I opened the door before stepping out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone around, so I assumed that they were all sleeping. I quietly walked towards the cockpit, while looking around. I eventually made it and I saw Asena and the others looking out the window with amazement in their eyes. A smirk made its way on my face as I slowly walked towards them. I walked right up to them before shouting,


They all hissed in fear as they hit the ground running. I started laughing and Asena and the others turned to me,

'Dad! That wasn't funny!'

'You're was hilarious!' I continued laughing as they pounced on me

They eventually calmed down as I stopped laughing,

'Anyway..where is everyone else?' I asked curious

'They all went to their rooms. And mom said we could look out the window!' Asena excitedly stated and she ran back towards the window

I chuckled as they all looked out the window.  I realized that it must be late, so I tapped the girls on the shoulder.

'I think you four need to go to bed.'

'But dad!' They hissed in unison, looking at me with puppy dog eyes

I had to stop myself from falling for their cuteness. Suddenly Lamika yawned and I smiled,

'See? I know if one are you are tired, than the others are too.'

Asena pouted before I bent down grabbing her. Alexis and Lamika hopped on my back, and I grabbed Zaria holding her by my other arm. I quietly walked towards their mothers' room since they didn't need to share with anyone. I opened the door to Aurora's room and noticed that she was fast asleep. Alexis hopped off my back, and Zaria moved to her spot on my back. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. I went to drop Asena off last. I opened the door quietly, and Diana was in the room fast asleep. Asena smiled before crawling out of my arms, and hopping on the bed. I tucked her in and I went to leave when I felt her little tail around my wrist. I turned back around and she looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I was going to give in, but who knows what would happen when Diana woke up.

'Sorry Asena, I'll sleep with you two another time.' I smiled sadly as she pouted.

I smirked and ruffled her hair before walking out of the room. I walked towards my room, and surprisingly I slept by myself, instead of with one of the girls. I reached my door and stepped into my room. I quickly laid down before going to sleep a few moments later.

Timeskip brought to you by Asena looking out the window

I jolted awake, brought out of my sleep by another nightmare. I sighed, that was the third nightmare I've had. It always ended in the same way; Asena or another one of my children would die for some stupid decision I did. I sighed before getting out of bed, and towards the cockpit, hoping the stars would calm me down. I noticed that it was still on some kind of autopilot, so I sat in the pilots seat. I sat there quietly until I heard little feet on the floor. I turned around and noticed that Zaria was there, and she seemed to have gotten no sleep. She had dark bags under her eyes. She saw me and smiled sleepily,

'Hey dad.'

I smiled as she walked towards me. She hopped on my lap and looked at the stars with me,

'Could you not sleep Zaria?'

She shook her head,

'No, I kept having nightmares..'

I looked at her concerned,

'Do you want to talk about it?' 

Zaria nodded and looked up at me,

'I kept dreaming that we were all in a forest. Eventually Me and the others spilt away from our moms and you. Suddenly something came out of the darkness and attacked us. We cried out and you came running. You battled the beast, died, while trying to save us. No matter what I did you still died..' She cried into my chest and I stroked her hair

'I promise you that I'm not leaving you guys. Ever.'

Zaria nodded, as she slowly stopped crying. She looked up at me, and I gave her a comfortable smile. She smiled back at me before looking at the stars,

'There beautiful aren't they?'

Zaria smiled and gently put her clawed hand on the glass. I smiled at her gesture before looking out the window. We sat there for a few moments before I started to get up,

'Come on. I don't think your mother would like you to stay up too late.'

I picked her up as she protested. As we walked down the hallway she looked up at me,

'Dad can I sleep with you?'

I smiled and looked down at her,


I walked her towards my room, and I opened the door. She jumped out of my arms and ran to my bed. I chuckled as she kept rolling all over the bed.  I walked over to her as she almost fell off the bed. Luckily, she stopped herself and she made room for me.  I laid down beside her, as she curled up in my blankets. I laughed since she looked like a little burrito. She poked her head out and smiled as she noticed that I was laughing. I settled myself down as she started to doze off. I was able to unwrap one of my covers from her little grasp, and I tucked myself in before falling asleep. 

Timeskip to the morning brought to you by burrito Zaria

I woke up to someone shaking me. My eyes slowly opened and Zaria smiled down at me,

'Wake up!'

I groaned before I sat up,

'Whats wrong?'

'We landed!'

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