Chapter 8

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Asena and I must've fallen asleep because I ended up waking up a few hours later. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that Asena wasn't next to me. I sat up and looked around. My heart froze when I saw Alexandra with a sleeping Asena in her arms. We made eye contact and she looked down at Asena. I hissed lowly and aggressively as I approached the bars of the cell,

'For a xenomorph child, she is really cute.' Alexandra growled looking at Asena before looking at me, 'It must be your genes that makes her so cute.'

'Okay thanks for the compliment but can you please put her down?' I looked at Asena cautiously but she was still asleep.

' about no. I think I will spend some time with my adopted daughter.'

Before I could hiss another word she turned around and headed for the throne room with Asena in her arms. A few minutes later I heard Asena,


God I hope she doesn't say these things in front of her mother. Anyway I got up and started to ram my shoulder into the cell door. I eventually busted it down and ran towards the throne room. Once it was in sight I saw Asena thrashing around in Alexandra's arms. She eventually got lose and the others tried to grab her, but she clawed and tried to hit them with her tail. I charged forward and wrapped my arm around Artemis' neck. I threw her over my shoulder and into the wall. Freya and Isla charged at me and I smirked ready for a rematch.

I hit Isla with my tail sending her flying into a wall. Freya tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist. I punched her in the stomach, which caused her to grunt in pain before I threw her into the wall. I heard Asena screech, and I turned around to help her when I was suddenly tackled. I thrashed around once I felt more bodies on top of me. I looked up and saw Kace with Asena in his arms. She seemed worn out, and I grit my teeth in anger.


I stopped thrashing when Alexandra stood in front of me. I smiled nervously as I saw her glaring down at me. Kace was behind her with Asena in his arms,

'Girls, secure her and bring her to my room. Kace, put the child back in the cell.' She ordered as her glare intensified 

I felt the girls restrict my wrists with something before pulling me to my feet. Alexandra and I had a glare off before the girls pulled me in the direction of Alexandra's bedroom. Asena started to thrash in Kace's arms when she saw me getting taken away,


Kace walked down another hallway towards the cells as Asena kept calling for me. The girls eventually walked me into a room which had a bed, and put a metal collar on me. They then chained me to the bed before leaving the room. As they left I growled at them and I could feel my eyes grow brighter. Once they left I rested my head against the headboard. My collar was chained to the wall while my wrists were still restrained. They also somehow restrained my tail to the foot board.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps coming towards the room. The door opened revealing Alexandra. She put her staff down before she walked over to me and took something out of her belt. It seemed to be like a tiny remote, with some weird button in the middle. I growled at her as she came closer. She slightly glared and pushed the button. I writhed in pain as I felt the familiar pain of being shocked. I screamed in pain as the shocking got worse. Alexandra kept the button for a few more seconds before she stopped. I collapsed against the bed once it stopped. I breathed heavily as Alexandra sat next to me. She put my head on her lap before running her clawed hand through my hair. I was too tired and exhausted to fight back. 

She smiled and kissed my forehead when she saw that I wasn't putting up a fight. Although she grabbed my jaw a few seconds later and made me look at her right in the eyes,

'I will make myself clear Y/N.' She demanded, her grip tightening. 'Every single time you disobey me, I will shock you. Do you understand?'

I nodded and her smiled returned. I sat there as my thoughts wandered to Asena. What will they do to her? And what will happen to her once we get to their main ship? I looked at Alexandra,

'What will happen to Asena when we get to your main ship?'


'Yeah, that's my daughters name.'

'Oh. We'll most likely keep her in your room. And we'll move you to another room when we go to mate with you. I'm sure she would be scarred if she saw that process.' She chuckled 

I sunk farther into her lap when I was reminded that I would have to mate with them. I hope Kace, the other guy, and I split the duties, my dick can't handle 350 women. Alexandra lifted my head out of her lap and laid it on the pillow. Alexandra got off the bed and took off her helmet and shoulder armor. I won't lie-she was beautiful! She had green eyes, that matched her hair perfectly. She had slightly pale skin that went with her plump, pink lips. I could feel my friend getting harder as my eyes traveled to other places. Her lips formed a smirk once she realized I was checking her out. She looked down at my friend and smiled,

'Like what you see?' She walked towards me swaying her hips

I gulped and tried to calm down my friends but it didn't work. She smiled and crawled onto the bed towards me. She straddled me and looked down at me with a lustful smirk,

'Shall we start my love?' 

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