Chapter 15

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Diana POV

After a few moments Y/N stopped moving entirely. I looked at Alexandra worried, but the machines signaled that she was still alive. I backed away from her cautiously as she began to stir. Her eyes snapped open, but they weren't her normal eyes. They had a mixture of red, and green in them. She looked around the room before looking at Victoria, Alexandra, and I. 

'Y/N?' I asked nervously 

She looked at me before she tried to get up. All three of us were too nervous to stop her. She slowly stood up and Victoria approached her, 

'Y/N you need to sit back down.'

Her head snapped in Victoria's direction, startling her. Y/N approached her slowly, hissing lowly in an authoritative manner.  Victoria took a step back for every step Y/N took forward. Victoria became obviously scared, as she went into a submissive position. She hissed submissively before she looked towards the ground. I decided to step in, and I hissed at Y/N authoritatively. She switched her attention to me, and hissed back, stalking towards me. I won't lie, she did start to intimidate me. The cure seemed to have made her taller, and buffer, but she was still shorter than me. Also her friend seemed to be bigger than what it was. I felt myself slowly backing up as she stalked towards me. Alexandra growled grabbing Y/N's attention. Y/N narrowed her eyes as she walked towards her. I slowly walked towards Victoria, but suddenly, Y/N's tail smacked me away from her. Y/N growled at me and got between Victoria and I. Her tail wrapped around Victoria, making sure that Victoria couldn't move. Y/N moved towards Alexandra and I, hissing aggressively. Alexandra and I shared a look before we slowly moved towards the door. Y/N continued to move forward until we shut the door on her face.

'What just happened?!' I hissed turning to Alexandra

'The cure must've influenced more of Y/N's dominant genes, making her more aggressive.'

'So she is basically going to act like a queen?' I asked slightly curious

'Yes, but it should wear off in 24 hours.'

I nodded before I looked at the door,

'We should warn the rest of the girls, along with Kace.'

Alexandra nodded and started to walk off towards the main part of the ship, with me following behind her.

Victoria POV

I backed up against the wall frightened, as Diana shut the door. Y/N hissed aggressively until she turned her attention on me. I gulped nervously as she walked towards me. I started to panic as she got closer, her eyes looking into mine. She got on all fours to get on my level, since I was crouched down. I whimpered as she leaned forward. Although I became confused as she started to sniff my neck. My eyes widened as she hissed loudly. She picked me up, and sat me down on the medical bed as she got between my legs. Realization hit me, and I squeezed my legs together. She growled, and I quickly opened my legs. She leaned down and began to kiss my neck, and I moaned loudly as she kissed one spot. She started to bite, and lick that spot as heat started to grow between my legs. She kissed down my chest, towards my breasts. I moaned as she took my right breast into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my erect bud, before she began to bite softly. After a few moments she switched to my other breast, giving it the same treatment. Once she got bored, she trailed kisses down my stomach, towards my heated core. She kissed around my core as if she was teasing me. I growled and tried to move her closer to my core. She hissed and pinned my hands above my head with her tail. By now I was dripping wet, and she could tell. She slowly pushed her tip in, hissing in pleasure as she felt how tight I was. In one quick motion, she slammed the rest of her inside me. I scrunch my face in pain, not used to being stretched out. She seemed notice this, as she started to leave kisses on my face and chest. She waited for me to adjust before I started to slowly thrust into me. I moaned as she went at a faster pace. She began to thrust into me roughly, and I moaned loudly once she hit my g-spot. She targeted that spot and pounded into hit, sending pleasure to my core. I could feel the knot in my stomach tighten, as she thrusted faster. I was suddenly overcome with pleasure as my walls tightened around Y/N's dick. I panted, tired, but Y/N showed no signs of stopping.

Timeskip one hour

I lost track of time. Between Y/N's thrusting and my pleasure I really couldn't tell. All I know is that I've cum several times, while Y/N hasn't even cum once. Her thrusts began to get sloppiler and more animalistic. I felt her member twitch before she thrusted into me hard. She came seconds later, but before she pulled out she bit my neck, hard. She pulled out and panted before she kissed the mark she made. She picked me up, and I was too exhausted to resist. I didn't even realize that we were in the hallway, until Y/N opened a door. She quickly rushed in, and closed it. She looked around until she spotted a bed against the wall.  She walked towards it before she gently sets me down on the bed. She kissed my forehead before walking towards the door,

"Rest. I will be back."

As soon as she closed the door I fell asleep from exhaustion.


Mate. That's all I could think about. Whatever that creature had on its claws, and whatever the girls put in me was affecting me severely. I stalked in the shadows looking around for another mate. I walked towards the storage hold. As I walked into the room I heard voices,

'Alright Katherine stay safe. We don't know where Y/N is.'

'I will Nova.'

Footsteps were heard walking away and I poked my head out from behind the crate I was hiding behind. I could see Katherine in the middle of the room. Suddenly she started to walk towards the door behind me. The creature took over as I grabbed Katherine from behind and pulled her behind the crate. It made me cover her mouth as I looked around, making sure no one heard. I put her on the floor and she stared wide eyed at me,


 I growled and began to kiss her neck. She moaned loudly as I kissed one spot in her neck. I lightly bit on that spot, making her moan more. The creature inside me took over as I kissed down her chest.

Timeskip because I'm not writing two lemons in one chapter

I placed the exhausted Katherine next to Victoria, whom was still sleeping. I made a mark on her neck like I did with Victoria. I kissed her cheek, and walked towards the door. The creature inside kept willing me to go after my mates. One after the other. I sighed as I closed the door, and began to track down one of the other girls.

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