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They say you're a dreamer
Cause your eyes are sewn shut
And you've got your head in the clouds
They say you're like sleeping beauty
Never gonna wake up until your knight comes to kiss you
But it's been ages and still no sign of that white horse and shining armour
They say you're gonna sleep your life away
Too busy dreaming up fantasy realms instead of living in reality with everyone else
But I say to hell with them
Cause yeah you are a dreamer
With an imagination so wild not even Christopher Columbus can map you out
You have a universe inside your mind, and every day you're creating something new
Your thoughts spill out of you like an active volcano and you use the lava to paint out your ideas
You are not what everyone says you are
You don't have your eyes sewn shut
Or your head stuck in the clouds
Your eyes are wide open
And your head is far above the clouds
You aren't waiting for a knight to come wake you
Because you are the knight and you don't need waking up
Cause you're a dreamer
And that means someday you're gonna make those dreams a reality

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