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《sorry I have not been on in like a long time! but I'm writing more!!!!》


"we need to move" I said looking at jared. jared just stood silent. "your family and my family needs to move like now" I said looking at jared once again. "ok kids go start packing we are moving tonight!" I heard jared say to the kids while taking his phone out and dialing his moms number "call your mom babe" jared said. I nodded in approval and dialed the number.

"hello" I heard my mom say. "hi mom we need to talk" I said walking into mine and jareds room. "whats wrong jessica" I heard my mom say. "start packing" I said to my mom. "why?" she asked. "cause my dad just start packing please mom please" I said into the phone. "ok let me tell erik and ellie bye" and she hung up.


"I need to talk to you mom" I said "what is it dear" my mom constance said. "starys packing" I said "for what dear" my mom said. "Jessica's dad wants to kill us thats why" I said "ok bye I'll start packing" and she hung up. I looked at my beautiful wife.  she was precious she meant everything to me. I would be lost without her. I loved her so much!.

"kids start packing!" I heard jess say I heard them and they packed everything. it took us about a good 2 hoursto get everything packed. "ugh I don't feel so good" jessica said holding her stomach "are you okay?" I asked sitting right by her side. "I feel sick" she said. "well stop packing and take a nap ok?" I said to her giving her a passionate kiss. "ok".



"are we ready?" I asled the kids. they looked tired poor thing. and my jared he looked tired. "yeah" they said. they got into the car and were ready. "imma drive" I said taking the keys. "you sleep" I said going into the drivers side.

we met with my family and jareds family here in Hollywood. cause we were all ready jared was wide awake and so where the kids. I was happy they were happy and our family was happy. "lets hit the road!" I said. "where are we headed to?" katelynne asked" I just looked at her with a smile. "oh my mom has a bf and his dad lives in iowa and I hears the houses are cheap so we are going their" I said giving her a hug.

we hit the road and we were off to IOWA.............

sorry I havent been on lately but hope you like this chapter! keep voting!!!!!

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