Chapter 6 - A Monday Mood

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There was nothing like a Monday to bring a person’s mood down. Jez was no exception. All day she couldn’t stop thinking about Steve, so much that a couple of times she accidently spoke in his voice. Peter was convinced that Steve was going to wake up but Jez wasn’t so sure. She knew that she had to stay positive but she wanted to be prepared for the worst.

Jez, Peter, Harry and MJ were all lounging in different positions in Harry’s enormous living room. Curtains feel from roof to floor and a huge widescreen TV was in the wall. The room had a dusty smell to it even though there wasn’t a speck of dirt in sight. Jez was the only one who could still hear the New York sounds below. This home was beautiful and Jez loved being there and wandering around. Harry threw the best parties here and everyone talked about them for weeks afterwards.

Harry himself was lying on the double couch in front of the TV. Peter was lying on his stomach in front if the fireplace facing MJ who was doing the same. They had been whispering and flirting for ages now and Jez wished that Peter would just ask MJ out already. He had tried a lot of times but something about MJ made him nervous and he always chickened out. Jez had spent weeks at this stage trying to get them to go out. They were so perfect for each other.

Jez sat on the floor leaning back against Harry’s double couch. Harry’s head was above hers and she could smell his cologne. She crossed her legs as she scribbled down the answers to that night’s homework without even thinking about it. It was all too easy for her new brain. She felt her mind wander back to Steve again. Every time she closed her eyes she saw him lying on a hospital bed all blue. He looked like he was asleep. The doctors and scientists had Steve back at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bruce had rang up that night and explained everything so Jez didn’t have to, not that she even knew where to start. Her brain didn’t already know absolutely everything but most things. It would be no fun if she couldn’t learn anything. Jez had wanted to stay with Steve but everyone had told her to go. She knew that they were right and that it would make no difference if she was there or not but she still worried about Steve all the time. They had said that if there was even the slightest change that they’d call her straight away.

“TV, anyone?” Harry asked and Jez snapped out of her train of thoughts, though, she didn’t stop thinking of Steve. She loved him. She just hoped that he knew that. Everyone decided that they did need a break from all the Study so agreed with Harry. The first thing that came on was the news. Jez scratched at the wig she had to wear when she wasn’t the BlueJay. Her natural hair had a blue tinge to it and so did the BlueJay’s so Jez wore a black wig to cover it. It wasn’t very comfortable but it did the job.

Jez watched as photos of BlueJay, Spiderman and Captain America flashed on the screen. They were showing the video of them running to Stark Tower the night before. Jez felt sick at the memory.

“BlueJay assures us that there is no upcoming war,” the broadcaster said. “In other hero news, is BlueJay dating the Spiderman now? The rumour mill is up and running and the word is that Cap and B aren’t so good right now. Is this Spiderman’s chance? Back to you Mark.”

This rumour made Jez feel sicker. Who would spread that crap? She shook it off and carried on normally. She saw Peter glance at her to see if she was okay. Jez felt like she was getting soft but love did that. Fury knew that and that’s why there were rules. Jez decided that she didn’t mind being a softie if it meant that she could have Steve Rogers.

“I think that BlueJay is beautiful,” Harry said flicking through the channels. “That body and smile and hair and voice and eyes . . . and she can kick butt! Every man’s dream. Captain America would be crazy to let her go.”

Jez smiled a little to herself. If only Harry knew that BlueJay was right beside him. Peter shrugged and casually put his arm behind MJ’s back.

“I think that Captain America knows,” Peter said. “It’s all rumours. How can we believe that when nobody even knows who they are? I’m pretty sure that Cap and BlueJay are made for each other. Spiderman looks like he’s just a friend if you ask me.”

“I think Peter’s right,” MJ added. “Either way it’s none of our business. We should be thankful for them being here to protect us rather than gossiping about their lives.”

Jez nodded in agreement as MJ and Peter got into a full blown debate about the different heroes of New York. This made Jez think.

“How come all the heroes are in New York?” Jez asked. “Who’s protecting everywhere else? New York isn’t so bad that it needs so many heroes.” The group all seemed to stop and consider Jezebel’s point.

“True,” Harry said finally choosing a channel with his favourite cartoon. “I guess everywhere has their own heroes but we just don’t hear about them. Maybe England has a British Iron Man. Maybe they don’t know about our heroes.”

There was another silence as everyone considered this new point of view. It was a weird subject for them to be discussing but it was something Jez had been wondering.

“I’ll go get us some junk,” Peter said standing. MJ stood up too with a quick hop.

“I’ll help!” she said and skipped into the kitchen followed by Peter. Harry and Jez looked at each other with eyebrows raised. They both were wondering the same thing.

“Do you think he’ll ask her?” Harry whispered staring at the door to the kitchen across the room. Jez shrugged.

“Hopefully,” she replied. “But if he does that means more flirting and I’m not sure my stomach can take it. When you’re the one flirting you don’t realise what it looks like to others.”

“Yeah,” Harry replied and looked back at the cartoons. “Can I ask you a question about girls?”

Jez was taken aback. She hadn’t labelled Harry the kind of guy that had lady problems. She nodded anyway anxious to hear about the girl.

“Well her name’s Gwen,” Harry said scratching the back of his neck. “She’s so beautiful and smart and is just like BlueJay, only blonde I guess. I don’t know much about her background but what I do know I love. She is kind of mysterious about what she does but I just can’t stop thinking about her. When I’m around her it makes me feel like I’m unstoppable.”

Jez smiled delighted. Harry was in love and it was so cute. She knew how he felt because it had been the same for her and Steve.

“My advice is just go for it,” Jez advised. “You have to grab what you want with both hands because it won’t be there forever. If she doesn’t love you back then she’s not worth it and is crazy. Harry Osborne is in love. Alert the Daily Bugle!”

Harry and Jez laughed but were interrupted by a scream from the kitchen. Jez was already on her feet when she realised that they were screams of joy. She looked to Harry who was also standing. MJ burst through the kitchen door with no sign of snacks.

“Peter finally asked me out,” she said and flung her arms around Jezebel’s neck. They jumped up and down and Peter emerged from the kitchen with food. Harry gave him a high five and they all sat down. Jez smiled at Peter and he smiled back. The life of a normal teenager.

Just want to thank everyone who read BlueJay and got it to over 1,000 reads!! I'm so happy and thankful :D

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