Money, money, money

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*Corazon POV*

"The reason your parents died is upsettingly simple. Money." I pick at the hangnails on my fingers. Yearning for a cigarette to take the edge off.

Neither of them react to the news.

They must have already figured it out. Smart kids.

Both of them look like raccoons, heavy, dark bags drooping under their eyes.

Law is slouched down into his couch letting the side of his body press up against Lily's.

Lily however was sitting straight up and leaning as far as she could from Law without making it too obvious.

I small parental rage bubbles in my stomachs but I know it is no longer my place. Not yet.

"Law I assume you figured this out by now but I will solidify your assumption. Your parents couldn't keep up with Lami's medical bills so my brother approached your farther with a proposition: to help create SMILEs." I try to keep steady eye contact but I know I was going to be ashamed by my later actions.

His eyebrows furrow, "I've vaguely heard of them when I used to fight. Some kind of anabolic steroid?"

I give the ravenette a curt nod, "It is a steroid on it is own level. It is supposed to increase growth and strength of muscle by just popping the pill. Zero effort needed."

Lily leans forward quickly awestruck, "That is ridiculously futuristic. That could be useful for coma patients, astronauts, and any rehabilitation program. The possibilities are end less."

The brunette's look withers when I turn to my gaze to her, "Not without major side effects. Lily your family wanted to get you into a good school. They saw your potential as a child and they wanted you to have the best. However, with your dad's career your family barely made it by as it was."

A clarity strikes her emerald eyes, "Rage is common side effect of steroids." She slumps back not caring this time that Law is pressed against her side.

"Your father working for Doflamingo was a freak happenstance. He heard about it from someone that was friends with someone that was already a test subject. He had no idea what he was getting into. Supporting you is all he could think about." I try to comfort her but silent tears spill down her cheeks.

Law rests a hand on her knee and rubs it with his thumb.

She quickly crosses her legs so Law couldn't reach them.

Lily sniffles, "So our parents needed money. How does that lead to them dying?"

I inhale a shaky breath, "Lily's parents are a bit easier to explain."

Law's face pales and his knuckles turn white as he grips the sofa. All of the worst possible outcomes obviously running through his head.

"Alright let's have it. I am tired of being in the dark." The petite girl sniffs as she grabs a tissues, blowing her nose, and tossing the tissue back on to the side table. Lily's voice was certain but both of her legs were bouncing a mile a minute.

I clear my throat, "Like I said your dad ended up being a test subject be a freak chance. The SMILEs are highly addictive with awful side effective: aggression, violent tendencies, severe muscle pain, brain damage, liver damage, and so many others."

She rubbed her puffy eyes with the palm of her hands letting out a defeated sigh, "my father drank to numb the muscle pain."

An empathic smile ghosts my face, "the alcohol only increased the symptoms. That mixed with the drugs made him an aggressive animal. Your mother however refused to believe the creature your dad became was who he was. So," I lean forward and clasp my hands onto my knees looking deep into the vast forest in her eyes, "your mother started to ask your father questions. He would usually kept quiet or would yell and hit her if she got too adamant about asking. It didn't matter though she wanted to know the truth."

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