Through the Woods

332 18 21

*Law Pov*

I bury my face is the relaxing smell of vanilla, pulling it closer to me; hoping to be locked in the light's embrace a bit longer.

A hum came from beneath me, as a small hand trails farther up my back.

A twinge of guilt stirs in my stomach. This isn't the first time I have woken up with someone but. . . but now was different.

Letting out a sigh into soft hair, I silently pray that the person in bed with me was at least familiar.

I crack open my left eye; my stomach drops at the sight of the familiar petite, chestnut hair girl.

Our bodies were tangled. Her legs intertwined with mine; my tan legs contrasting her cream ones, her sleeping face lying on my arm, my hand laced in her hair and her other hand lying on my chest caressing my tattoo.

We didn't. . . No she wouldn't. . .

I ever so gently untangle my fingers from her thick hair and lift my blanket, relieved to find all of her clothing still intact.

My cheeks warm as I notice she is wearing my silk boxers and her white shirt was pulled up to the middle of her rib cage, displaying her bandaged abdomen and a small mole on her right hip.

I peer down at her sleeping face. Her petal lips were slightly parted and her eye lashes formed dark crescent moons on her cheeks. She appeared so vulnerable so innocent.

I catch my lips bending into a small frown. Why do you keep squirming back into my life? There are so many better people out there. People that aren't toxic. People that won't get you killed.

Beeeeeeeeeeeep. Beeeeeeeeep. Beeeeeeeeeeeep.

Miss Hayashi, barely half awake, twists to hit the snooze, then unconsciously snuggles up back into my chest.

I can't let her do this. I can't let myself do this. I can't protect her from him.

I shake her shoulder, receiving an upset groan.

"Miss Hayashi don't you class to attend?" I continue. Building up a distant facade.

She looks up at me with an expression similar that of waking a bear up from hibernation. Her voice full of menace, "Mr. Trafalgar don't you have class to attend?"

I suppress a laugh, "Wow. I didn't realized you turned into a troll in the mornings."

She leans back on my arm causing her right hand to travel down and rest on my hip. Sending goosebumps along my body. "Shut up Trafalgar. You should be grateful that I took care of your drunk ass last night and tended to your wounds."

My wounds? That's when I notice my professionally bandaged hand.

"You punched a mirror last night. God knows why, but you did. I wrapped it up as soon as I found you passed out." She lets out a small yawn, making her nose scrunch.

Curiosity finally gets to me, "Why are you here?"

She rubs the sleep from her eyes, "Well I came here to kill you, but I saw you passed out on the couch all bruised and broken so I took pity on you and spared your life."

My eyebrows furrow, "Why were you planning on killing me?" What did she know?

Her eyes suddenly start to wet with tears; her face held a betrayed expression, "What was the real reason you took interest in me?"

My eyes widen. I could feel her fingers trembling on my hip. I sighed inwardly. The finally push. "I was interested in your body. More specifically your blood type and what organs I could harvest from you." I try to keep a cold expression.

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