What happens stays here

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*Lillian POV*

"You have been irked since this morning. What's on your mind." Law asks closing the airplane window I was looking out to avoid conversation.

I look down at my hands my voice quiet not really wanted to talk to Law about this, "Ace is going to be mad at me."

Law rolls his eyes and stretched back reclining his seat, "No he is going to be mad at me for inviting myself and he is going to be mad at himself for not thinking about it first."

My eyes shift over to meet Law, his eyes were hidden by his hat, "You're right it is much easier to blame you."

That earned me a smirk, "Thats the cowards way out. Rest for a bit. We have a couple of hours before we land."

Attempting to relax, I reclined my chair but Ace's betrayed voice rang in my ears.

I snap my chair back up, "I don't want Ace to hate me and I have done plenty on this trip for him to be mad at me." I worry biting at my thumb starting to regret letting myself being comforted by Law.

Law lets out a huge exaggerated sigh and sits up, "Lily. If you are that worried about our closeness these past couple days, I won't say anything to Ace."

"Bullshit." I spit before I can fully process what he said, "You are dying to rub this in his face."

The ebony hair boy groans rubbing his face, "Look I don't know what love triangle feeling bullshit you have going on but right now we need to focus on the deep shit we are in. So, if it helps that alien brain of yours, I won't tell Ace anything. What happens on the trip stays on the trip."

"That's rather out of character for you," I squint my eyes skeptically at him.

His large hand ruffles my hair, "I told you how I felt already. I told you I am not going to act on it until this shit is done." He states bluntly, "The extra touching and flirting is for the same reason I do it at home. It is a distraction. Nothing more.

My face flattened unamused, "Gosh how sensitive of you."

Law roars in frustration, "Just be thankful. I am giving you an out for the weekend because I don't think either of us are in our right minds visiting our home town." He tugs his hat down over his eyes visibly annoyed.

I puff my cheeks and bite my tongue at a sassy retort, "Sorry. I am thankful. I really appreciate the extra comfort. Still on the fence about the heavy flirting."

He lifts his hat so one eye peaks out a smirk tugging his lips, "You love it don't lie."

I roll my eyes no disagreeing, "You nervous about going home?"

"I am not thrilled about it. Unlike you I don't have a home to return to." Law states darkly.

"Ah." I focus my gaze down to my hands again, "I am sorry."

A hand clasps mind causing my leg I didn't realize was bouncing to stop it, "You don't have to be sorry. I'm probably lucky not to have a reminder like you have. If you can't see it, you can forget better. Something along those lines."

My mouth opens wanting to say something along the lines of how his home had more good memories than bad.

My thought is cut off by a squeeze of our hands. I catch Law lowering his hand and press his lips together for a second before speaking, "Same goes for you you know. What happens the weekend stays between us. I don't need people thinking I am soft and mooshy."

*Law POV*

Fevelance was cold and I mean like record breaking cold.

Honestly it didn't bother me at all. I knew we were going North so I brought my thick winter coat.

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