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She had been using for a few months now. After the girl lost her mom, her soon to be step dad disappeared, that's when she fell into the haze of addiction. No pain. No worries. No nothing.

The brunette was now leaning over a railing of a patio. The house behind her was thumping with dance music and a storm of hollering and laughing.

The numb girl had been spending her time back in her home town of Alabasta for the past few months to deal with her grief and that apparently meant a mixture of parties, drugs, and hook-ups.

She rolled a couple of pills in her hand. Before she could throw them back a pale hand with painted nails stops her.

She turns up and faces the muscular man with a mess of fire red hair with disinterest. Anyone stopping her from getting her high was a not worth her time.

"Here."  The red head drops a few more pills into her hand. "You must be new to the scene; this will make you feel like you are the embodiment of ecstasy."

He wasn't half bad. "Only if you take them with me." The small girl throws a flirtatious smile toward the punk rock man.

"A girl after my own heart." The man chuckles. They clink hands and throw back the pills together.  The pale man was right, the woman felt like she could do anything; pure pleasure ran through her veins. They sat on the patio for the rest of the night flirting and bullshitting.

The red head finally leans in and places a hot kiss on the girl's lips. A rush of endorphins pushes through the girl's vein when she pushes the man up against the wall roughly deepening the kiss with a hungry desperation.

When they break apart to regain their breathe, the brunette looks up under heavy lids to the attractive man, "What's your name?"

Lips trail down her neck causing her to moan in pleasure, "The name is Kid."

She reaches down to his waist and grinds the heel of her hand against the arising boner through his pants, "Well Kid do you want to take me home?"

"Fuck yes." He growls primarily into her ear.

The junkie finally found herself a reliable drug dealer.

*Lillian POV*

There was a black limo idling out front of my apartment.

He really loves to stand out.

The driver steps out and opens the door for me. I give him a polite nod and a thank you.

Doflamingo was sprawled out in the middle seat forcing me to have to sit pressed up against his pink feathered arm.

"Lillian you look stunning." He gushes. I could feel his eyes rack up and down my body.

I give him snarky retort, "Thank you sir. It's a little more revealing then I am used too but I guess that what happens when a man chooses a lady's outfit."

"Aren't you spicy this evening." He let his tan fingers trail slowly down my coat all the to the tips of my fingers, "This coat looks irresistible on you. Makes me want to pull up your dress and fuck you right here in the limo."

Oh god. Don't react.

I should have stayed home with Law. We could have made a homemade dinner and watched medical shows to poke fun of how inaccurate they were.

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