Elbows Deep

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*Lillian POV*

"Lily for sake of everything holy and unholy wake up and shut that damn alarm clock off." Law groans and chucks his pillow at me from the couch.

"Now what fucking good was that." I snark my eyes still welded shut with sleep and my face buried into my new pillow, "Now I have your pillow and you have to listen to the annoying blare."

"You're insufferable." I hear the ravenette growl and throw off his blanket.

His feet scuff along the floor toward me giving me enough motivation to crack open an eye. I see a tan hand dart down and slam the red off button on my phone, "Get up. You have work."

I turn my head up and am met with a tattooed chest, "Did you just give up on shirts? If you hadn't noticed it is winter outside."

I push up to a sitting position and rub the sleep from my eyes.

"Did you give up on bras?" I follow Law's gaze down to my chest where I am obviously nipping through my blue long-sleeved sleeper shirt.

I quickly cover my chest and puff my cheeks at him, "Pervert."

Law dangles my robe out in front of me with a smug smirk, "It's not like there is much to stare at anyway."

"Now you're just being a dick." I stick my tongue out at him and accept my robe wrapping it around me. "If you act like a dick so often some people are going to start to think you are compensating for lack thereof." I jest as I stand and stretch out my spine.

A tan hand clasps my chin softly. A devilish spark dances in Law's yellow orbs, "Trust me. I have no need for compensation." The ravenette leans in close to my ear; his voice rolls off his tongue like smooth velvet, "If you don't believe me, I could show you sometime."

I poke his nose and give him a cheeky smile, "You sure you wouldn't rather spend intimate time with Kid."

"I have to find out who the better fuck is remember?" Law retorts, his breath hot on my face.

With Law nose to nose with me, I could only think about two things. One that I was so upset that I ran out of sassy comments. Two I was so fucking annoyed that he thought he could wake up with his stupid sexy bed head and come on to me like that and not expect me not to get all flustered.


Nope. Nope. Nopity. Nope.

I put my hands on Law's chest with a fierce blush on my face and push him away, "Why do you have to push things so far?"

I duck my head and turn to the kitchen pretending not to notice his chiseled abs and toned tattooed arms. I am glad things were getting back to normal between up but I didn't realize that it meant lack of personal space.

We are behaving. I can't differentiate my feeling from my urges with going through withdrawal right now.

I reach into the cupboard grab a metal mixing bowl and crack a couple of eggs into it.

There was a tickle of the thought in the back of my brain.

But what if it is a real feeling.

The hiss of the eggs hitting a frying pan interrupt the thought.

No. No. Stop.

I don't need to think about stupid boy stuff right now.

I already hurt Ace and he is the sweetest person I know.

I didn't need to hurt Law. Again.

My features pull into an unamused line.

Well, he does need to be knocked down a peg. Arrogant asshole that starts acting overly flirtatious for no reason and won't put a fucking shirt on so I have to stare at him half naked.

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