Kylo Ren - Take Me Back (part 1/2)

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Synopsis: Kylo Ren has betrayed the First Order and has been left to die on a desolate moon in the Outer Rim. He is calling out to Y/N, who is part of the Resistance, hoping they will save him.

I was on the verge of falling asleep when suddenly I felt his presence.
It felt so familiar yet so foreign. I remembered a time when Ben and I would regularly use our Force connection to talk when we were far apart. But then he had become Kylo, and after his initial unsuccessful attempts to win my support, he began to ignore my calls for him. And now, after five years, he was calling for me again.
I closed my eyes and saw him in my mind. I flinched. He was bloodied and bruised, and the look of steel that he'd shown for the past few years was gone. All I saw was a broken figure, a shadow of the strong boy I had once known and loved.
Y/N, I heard him say, it's me. It's B- Kylo.
"Yeah, I recognised you", I hissed into the darkness. "What do you want? After all those years?"
Please, I need your help.
I was taken aback. "My help? Is this a game? One of your sick mind tricks?"
I betrayed the Order, Y/N. I'm not with them anymore. In fact, they abandoned me.
"You left the Order? And you expect me to believe that?"
Listen to me, please. I can explain.
"I should just disconnect, you know."
I know, and you have every right and reason to, but please, let me explain. Give me a chance. Let me tell you what happened.
I rolled my eyes, knowing very well he could see it. "Fine. But you better have some good explanations, or else I'm leaving you. I hope you know I don't trust you."
I know. But listen, this is what happened. The Order set out a bunch of search parties for certain members of the Resistance. They seek to imprison, interrogate, torture, and kill them. Obviously, they're after the top leaders, but... they're after you as well."
"After me? Why the hell would they want me?"
Because they know you are Force-sensitive. And they know just how powerful you are. After I did not manage to get you to join the Order, they have now decided they want you dead. He paused. I could not let that happen. I tried to stop them, but... I couldn't. So I tried to sabotage their troops. I wanted to protect you. They found out, and... then they tortured me, tried to find out what else I sabotaged - it was quite a lot - and decided they had to get rid of me. No-one wanted to be responsible for killing me, so they just dropped me off here.
"I have a lot of questions."
I know, and I will answer all of them. But I need your help. I won't survive here much longer. Please, Y/N, I'm begging you, help me. Take me back.
"Why should I trust you? After all you've done?"
You have no reason to. But... I had to try. You're my only hope.
I sighed. "Fine. I'm going to come. But be warned, I'm armed."
Thank you. I can never repay you this favour.
"Shut it and tell me where you are."
I'm not entirely sure. In the Outer Rim certainly, on a rather small unpopulated moon, as far as I'm concerned. You will have to use the Force to track me down. It should be possible over the connection.
"Alright. Give me fifteen minutes to get my X-Wing ready, then I'll set out. I'll call you back." I hesitated, then I added: "But remember, I still don't trust you."
I wouldn't deserve it either way. Thank you though. Please hurry.

I was caught in quite a difficult situation. My X-Wing luckily had just enough reach to get to where I found Kylo's signal, but I needed permission to just fly off in it. So what did I do? I headed straight to the private quarters of Leia Organa.
I knocked violently, and it did not take very long until she opened.
"Can I help you?", she asked, already preparing a sarcastic comment for whatever I was about to say to her.
"Please, General Organa, I need permission to fly to a moon not too far from here. Right now. It's an emergency."
"Why? I do suppose you have a good reason for such a wild request?"
"It's your son. He called out to me. The Order found out he'd sabotaged them and left him to die. He's badly injured. Please, I need to rescue him."
"Ben? And you just decided to trust him? After all he... he did..."
"I don't know. I'm armed either way, and prepared for the case that it's a trap. But he looked broken... and sounded like it too. I have to try."
"Fine. Permission granted." She hesitated. "If you can actually bring back my son... I cannot tell you how thankful I would be."
I nodded, then I ran off. As quickly as I could, I set out with my X-Wing. Then I called out to Kylo again.
You're back, he whispered.
"I am indeed. I'm on my way."
Please hurry. I... I don't know how much longer I can survive here. I'm injured.
"Can you hold on just one more hour? That's how long it will take me to get to you."
I'll do my very best. He hesitated. Can you keep up the connection? Your presence... it feels good. You don't have to speak. Frankly, I don't think I'll have the power to. But... just stay with me. Please.
"Okay. I will."

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