Kylo Ren - We Should Leave

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Synopsis: Kylo and Y/N, both leading members of the Order, have decided to turn against them.

"Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"
Kylo sighed, running his hands through his long dark hair. He seemed tense for some reason that I did not know.
I gave him a puzzled look. "Stop doing what?"
"This. The Order. Trying to annex the whole galaxy and killing everyone and everything in our path."
His words surprised me. Kylo Ren, who had always been so devoted to the Order, who was passionate beyond imagination, who would rather die than admit defeat, saying these things?
It must have shown on my face, because he bit his lip and looked away.
"Look, I understand if you don't feel the same way. You were born into the Order. But... I feel such a pull back to the Light Side, and... sometimes I can't help thinking that we're doing more harm than good."
I struggled to find the right words. Yes, I knew what he meant. I felt the same way. But I had been too scared to even think these thoughts, and now that he said them, I needed a moment to react.
"Kylo, I... I know what you want to say. I - I feel the same way."
"You do?"
"Well... Yes. I just... I don't know... Are you suggesting that we should...?"
"Yeah. I'm saying we should leave." He cast down his eyes. "Well, I mean, I guess what I'm really saying is that I think what we're doing is wrong, and that I'm going to leave, and that I know I cannot force you to do anything you don't want to do, but I love you, and I hope you will come with me."
I took his hand and leaned against his shoulder. He let his head rest atop mine.
"I would follow you anywhere, Kylo", I whispered, "I followed you in all your decisions regarding the Order, and I will follow you now on a way that I too consider to be the right way."
"Are you absolutely sure?", he asked. "You know that you will put yourself into great danger by deserting?"
"Are you sure?", I replied.
He nodded. "Yes. I am. I will go back to the Resistance, and if that means my death, then so be it. But I can't keep doing this, I simply have no choice."
"And I feel it too. I would have been too scared to do it on my own, but... if we're going together, then I'm in."
He cupped my cheek with his hand and kissed me.
"Then let's do this."

The following days were, well, eventful. When Snoke called us both into his quarters the next morning, I thought we were done for. But it had been about an entirely unrelated topic, and once we were out again, Kylo and I could not stop laughing.
In between all the work and organisation we had to do, it was hard to make plans for our escape. But in the end we managed to set up a fake mission on a planet not too far away from the current headquarters of the Resistance, got a ship, smuggled in all our personal belongings, and prepared for our departure. Then, finally, we boarded the ship together with a handful of unlucky stormtroopers. Once we were out of reach, we killed them - it was too dangerous to drop them off somewhere else - and, after taking our ship off the radar, changed course right towards the Resistance.
My hands were shaking with excitement, and Kylo was continuously running his hands through his hair.
"Here goes nothing", he said.
And then we contacted the Resistance.

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