Kylo Ren - Hospital Room

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Synopsis: Kylo has been severely injured on a mission and is unconscious. Y/N is waiting for him to wake up.

His shuttle arrived first, the others came swarming in behind. I was waiting for them anxiously; not just because they'd been gone for weeks, but also because I felt like something was wrong with Kylo.
The hatch of his shuttle opened, and out came a stormtrooper, yelling something about needing a doctor immediately, that they had to prepare a hospital bed, that it was a matter of life or death.
My head was spinning. I had been right. Kylo was injured.
Soon enough, two wards came with a pallet and stormed into the shuttle, and when they carried him out I barely recognised him.
His face was swollen and bloody, and he had a huge gash on his cheek. The rest of him didn't look much better; in fact, he seemed to be on the verge of death.
"Kylo!", I yelled and ran along next to him as the wards carried him to the hospital. They didn't even try to keep me away from him, knowing that it would be pointless. "Oh, Kylo, please, you can't be dead..."
I took his hand, and it was cold and lifeless. His eyes were closed, and his chest was barely moving.
"He was badly injured", one of his men told me. "It's a miracle that he hasn't died yet."
We had arrived at the hospital, and the wards shook me off. "We have to get to work immediately", they said, "and we cannot afford interruption or delay. We do not know if we can save him."
I didn't want to leave Kylo's side, but I knew they were right, so I didn't argue. However, I refused to move away from the door to his room.
Hours later, a nurse found me sitting on the floor outside his room.
"You can enter now", she said, "he will live. But he is still unconscious, and very very weak. We don't know when he will wake up."
"That's okay. Thank you."
The room was warmer than the hallway, and I was thankful for it. I pulled up a chair next to Kylo's bed and looked at him. They had cleaned him up, but there were still bruises everywhere - and that gigantic scar on his face.
I carefully took one of his hands. It was still lifeless, but a little bit warmer now. Then I leaned down and kissed him. He was still beautiful; and it was almost ironic that he looked so much more relaxed in this unconscious state. He looked younger, and almost as if all his worries and fears, all his pain had been taken away from him.
"I love you, Kylo", I whispered, knowing very well that he would not be able to hear me, but I needed to say it anyways. "I'm here now. I'm here for you, and I always will be."
I tried to stay awake, but I was too worn out. With his hand clasped in mine and my head resting on his chest, I drifted off.

I awoke to the sound of someone whispering my name.
I jerked up, and I needed a moment to remember where I was. Then my eyes fell on Kylo, and I sighed with relief. He was awake.
"Y/N", he whispered again. His voice was coarse and weak.
"Oh, Kylo, you're awake." I smiled and took his hand. "Thank God, I was worried sick. How are you? What happened?"
He bit his lip. "I'm okay, just a little weakened", he croaked. "There was a battle, and we were overwhelmed. We had to surrender, and I was hurt in the process." He gulped. "My face... I can't move the right half of my face properly. Is it... Does it..."
"You have a scar on it."
He looked away, and it was only now that I noticed he was tearing up.
"Kylo, hey, don't worry about it - you still look beautiful."
He just shook his head, so I carefully leaned down and kissed him.
"Look at me", I said softly. "Please."
There was pain in his eyes as he faced me again, and I was not too far from crying too. It hurt me to see him like this.
"Please, don't worry about it. Everyone gets injured in a battle at some point. And you're still the most beautiful person I've ever seen, scar or no."
With trembling hands he pulled me down and embraced me.
"Please don't leave me", he whispered.
"I promise I won't. I'll always be here for you."
"Thank you."
I kissed his injured cheek and prayed to every higher power that he would be alright.

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