Ben Solo - I Can Be Your Family

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Synopsis: Ben has overheard a conversation between his parents where they expressed their doubts about their son, including the fear that he may turn to the Dark Side. He is hurt by their distrust and wants to run away. Y/N catches him as he tries to leave the base unnoticed.

"Where are you going?"
I could only see a dark hooded figure against the pale moonlight, but I knew it was Ben. He flinched, but he didn't turn to look at me.
"Away", he just said.
"Fine, don't tell me then. But you are aware that, apart from this base, there is pretty much nothing on this godforsaken planet, right?"
"So? Anything is better than here."
He wanted to take off again, but I ran after him and grabbed his arm. He spun around, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks.
"What?", he spat. "Is this what you wanted to see? That I'm crying?"
"Just let me go. No-one wants me here anyways."
"That's not true!" I looked into his eyes, and it hurt me to see that they were hard and cold. "Please, Ben, don't go."
"My own family doesn't trust me! Didn't you hear what they said? About me?"
I looked down. "I know. I know what they said. About... that you're too dangerous..."
"Yeah, too dangerous, right? That I might turn away from them? Funny how they say those things to each other, and apparently to everyone else on the team, but it has never occurred to them to maybe talk about it with me, huh?" He shook his head. "If either of them had the brilliant idea to maybe talk to their spawn, they might know why I'm so distant. Why I always seem to hide my feelings from them. Because they never cared. Not once in my life have I heard them ask me how I am. What I need. It's like ever since I was born they feared me. Like wow, surprise, who knew your child would turn away from you if you treated it like a criminal from the very start?"
"I know, Ben. You don't deserve to be treated like that. It's not fair."
"It's like I don't even have a family." He wiped away his tears. "I have no reason to stay here. I might as well leave."
"Ben, don't."
He yanked away his arm and kept walking. Again, I ran after him.
"Please, you're not alone."
"Yes, I am! Don't you get it? I don't even have a real family. One that loves me."
"I can be your family."
He stopped dead in his tracks.
"You..." His voice died off.
"Please don't go. I love you."
Very slowly, I stepped towards him and took his hands. He looked at me, as if unsure what to do. Then he leaned in and kissed me.
I don't know how long we remained in this position, standing in the dark, silently leaning on each other, our foreheads touching. But in the end it was me who broke the silence.
"I know I cannot replace your parents. I can't replace the family you never had. But... I can be a new family for you. It is a small family, I know, but... if you want me to, I can be that."
"I would love that, yes."
"So... You'll stay?"
"Yeah. I'll stay." He squeezed my hand. "Can I... can I stay with you tonight?"
"Of course. Every night, if you want to."
I led him back inside, through the deserted corridors, all the way to my room.
"Thank you", he whispered as we huddled up underneath the covers together. "For being there for me."
"You're welcome."
And with that, we fell asleep.

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