Kylo Ren - Forgive Me (part 2/2)

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Synopsis: Y/N interrogates Kylo and tries to defend him in front of the Resistance.

Half the Resistance had gathered in the hangar as I led Kylo through it. He was handcuffed and unarmed, yet a lot of people backed away. Finn, however, approached us.
"Are you sure about this?", he asked.
I nodded. "Yes. He's under my control now."
"Still. He betrayed the Resistance once before. He turned to the Dark Side. I've been a Stormtrooper under him for years, this man is dangerous. How do you know he won't kill us all?"
Kylo's hands started shaking again, and I knew he was close to tears.
"Finn, I've got this. He has no weapons. He has no way of communicating with anyone outside this building. This man is no danger to us. I see your concern, and I will keep him locked up for a while, just in case, but I promise you, even if he does have evil intentions, he is no danger to us. I will personally ensure that."
Finn nodded and let us continue down the hallway. No-one else said anything, and soon enough, I reached the interrogation room.
Kylo quietly sat down at one end of the table. I took a seat opposite from him.
"You know why I said I'm keeping you locked up for now, don't you?"
"Yeah. I understand. I could be dangerous, and I could be passing information to the Order, or even attack you myself." His face had a pained expression on it, and with every passing minute I became more and more convinced that he was trustworthy.
"Kylo..." I sighed. "Why? Why are you back?"
"Because what the Order does is wrong. For all these years I thought I was bringing, well, order into the galaxy, but all I brought was chaos and destruction. Snoke had me under his control, but - somehow I managed to break out."
I nodded. Then I suddenly got up, walked up to him, and undid his handcuffs.
He stared at me in disbelief. "You - Why? Why are you not keeping me tied up?"
"Do you want me to?" I grinned, and I saw his lips twitch as he caught on the joke I had just made. But that moment was soon over, and the tone turned serious again.
"I thought you don't trust me."
"Well, I do." I shrugged. "The others don't. They are quite convinced that you're after us. But I believe you."
"Why?" He looked thankful - and sad at the same time.
"Because I know you. When you were my friend I could always read you like an open book. I always knew exactly what you were thinking and feeling." I sighed. "When you left us, I saw you change. Your posture. Your face. But mostly your eyes. They were hard as steel, but also empty and gaunt. They aren't now." I reached out and took his hands. He flinched but didn't pull away. "Your eyes are warm again. And you look sad. That's how I knew you were back. And that you're not plotting to kill me in my sleep."
He was crying now. I reached up and wiped away his tears. Then, for whatever reason, I leaned in and kissed him. To my surprise, he answered the kiss.
When I pulled away we were both blushing. It was quiet for a moment. Then I cleared my throat.
"Anyways. I did say I would monitor you for the next few days, which means we can either get two makeshift beds in here, or you'll have to stay in my bedroom for now. Whichever you prefer."
"Since when do prisoners get to choose?", he said and smiled a little.
"I don't think you classify as a prisoner", I smiled back. "As I said, I believe you, even though the others don't, at least not yet. That means we'll have to play this game of keeping you locked away under my observation for a while until at least our leaders are convinced of your, well, let's call it innocence. I'll have to treat you like a prisoner, yes. But within the limits of that, I'd like you to be comfortable."
"I don't deserve this", he mumbled.
I touched his cheek and softly kissed him again.
"Maybe not. But I loved you, and I cannot treat you the way they want me to. Yes, I am still angry. You were terrible. You betrayed us. And you left me when I begged for you to stay. But I loved you."
"Can you forgive me?", he whispered.
"That depends on you now."
He leaned in and, hesitatingly, he kissed me. "I promise I'll make up for it. For all the wrong I've done to the galaxy... and to you."
"Then yes. I can forgive you."

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