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When he sat back down,I handed Destiny over to him.

"I have to go."

I got up and walked away from him and got in my car and drove to one of my happy places.bWhen I finally arrived at the gun range,I walked in and said Hi to Stacy. Stacy is my best friend and basically my sister. She knows everything about me.

"What do you need today hun?"

"My blue semi automatic and my purple rifle."

"Aw shit what did he do now?"
"I'll tell you later." She handed me my guns,ear muffs and glasses and I walked away to the back. I held up my pistol and shot the fake person twice in the head,3 times in the heart and 8 times in the balls (Don't judge me). A couple of hours past before I was on my last target. I had my rifle in my hand and was about to shoot a bull's eye when my phone buzzed and I ended up getting a phone call. I rolled my eyes, took my ear muffs off and walked out to the bathroom. I pressed answer.




Can you help me with some thing?


With what?


Destiny wont stop crying and I don't know why.

I hung up the phone and ended up leaving the gun range to go to this nigga house. I heard the screaming and crying from all the way out here. I walked up the steps and opened the door. Drew was walking around trying to calm Destiny down who was crying and screaming. I walked in and took Destiny from him.She calmed down enough for me to walk around with her.She started to coo and grab my hair. A few minutes later, Destiny fell asleep and I sat down next to Drew.


Do you have any baby stuff like a crib or something?


No I aint have no time to go shopping.


Then go now.


You sure you gonna be ok?


Nigga I'll be fine just go get your daughter's stuff.

He tried to give me a kiss on my lips but I moved my head to the side and he kissed my cheek. He sighed and kissed destiny's forehead before leaving. I walked around with Destiny on my shoulder. I walked into the bedroom and started to clean up a little bit like by picking up clothes and things. She started to stir in my arms so I sat down as she woke up. Her big brown doe eyes were staring at me and she was giggling because I was making funny faces at her. I smiled back at her because her smile is contagious. I put on peppa pig and sat down on the couch with her in my arms. I gave her a big kiss on the forehead which she returned by giving me a big 'kiss' on my cheek which just involved her slobbering on my face.

Drew came back a couple of hours later with a shit load of stuff for Destiny. After the things were set up Drew kind of got the hang of taking care of Destiny. I left the house and got in my car. I sighed and drove down to the only person who could help me right now.

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