The crush

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Jimin also smiles and coveres his cherry red cheeks with his over sized hoodie.and you know what!?! Mr. Jackson just had to sit him right behind me , which made the embrassement boil up inside.

5 weeks later

It was english we had to write a 10 page story about anything, but I just couldn't think of anything to write of. And then I feel two fingers tap me on my shoulder. I turn around to see that it was Jimin.

Jimin- "d-do you h-have and extra pencil I can borrow?"

Y/n- " yea, sure"

I reach over to open my pencil case in my bag which is on the ground, Jimin says something ...

Jimin- " If you have nothing to write about you could always wirte about werewolves"

I shot up with a pencil In my hand and give him a confused look.

Y/n- " pardon me?"

Jimin- " You could always write about werewolves, their going extinct"

Y/n- " okay? Thanks, what are you writing about?

He lifts up his paper with writing half way down the page.

Jimin- " love"

I turn around not responding feeling that Jimin  is blushing behind me. I smile and start to think of Taehyung considering he is a werewolf.


The bell rings and I only have 2 sentances, Jimin comes up to me and asks

Jimin- " do you know where the  art room is?"

And I think to myself : why does he have to be in all of my classes?

Y/n- " yea, ill show you"

Jimin- " thanks

We were walking down to the main floor and just before Jimin opened his mouth to say something Taehyung saw me and gave me a great big hug.

Taehyung- " I missed you so much"

Y/n- " it has only been and hour"

Taehyung- " yeah, a very lonley hour"

We broke the hug and Taehyung noticed Jimin and looked at me very confused

Taehyung- " who's this?"

Y/n- " someone new, his name is Jimin and he has the same class as us right now"

Taehyung turned his confused look to an unsure look and replied

Taehyung- " okay"

Jimin looked very worried at me but I just giggled and the 3 of us walked towards the art room. When we got there we sat in the back, Taehyung beside me and Jimin at the table beside us. The teacher walkes in with a student, as the class quiets down Ms. Rosè  introduces the student which was Jungkook. After Ms. Rosè finished telling the instructions to the class Jungkook walked to the back of the class making eye contact with Taehyung which resault in them both blushing

Y/n- " oh I didnt know you liked Jungkook"

Taehyung lighty hit my arm in embrassement.

Y/n- " what its true"

Taehyung burried his face deeper into is hoodie and I start to laugh, but out of the corner of my eye I see Jimin smiling with bright red cheeks.

He suddenly looks back at his drawing , he saw that I noticed him. By this point we were craving each other , so I ask him.

My Bestfriend Is A Werewolf | Taekook, Namjin, Reader× CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now