Wheres Yoongi?

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Y/n-"  where is Yoongi?

Jin- " he's-.................I dont know, Joonie where is Yoongi?"

Namjoon- " huh....oh...um... Hoseok! Where is Yoongi?"

J-Hope- " I dont know, why you asking me?"

Y/n- " ok ill go look upstairs, maybe hes sleeping."

Jin- " you guys were the last ones to wake up"

Namjoon- " I checked his room this morning , he wasnt there"

Jin whipped his head back around to look at Namjoon, giving a glare that was.............lets just say not the greatest. Namjoon looked at him confused before understanding what his glare ment. He alpha looked away and continued to cook the food, Jin gets up walks past me in a sob, a stream of tears running down his cheeks as he hands me the baby undisturbed and runs upstairs.
He looked up surprisingly confused by his mates actions, I gave him a stabbing glare before nudging towards the stairs mouthing the words ' go see him' he hands me he utensil and I take over the cooking.
I guess he never knew the kinds of hormones that are running through his body since he gave birth not that many days ago. And not to mention the nights where he would only get an hour of sleep.

A few moments later I finish cooking the food, I was about to go upstairs to see if everything was okay until I heard the echo of a moan hit my innocent skin. I quickly turn around and walk towards the kitchen again before I felt to hands grasp around my waist lifting me up over my shoulder. I knew who it was when he slapped my ass, so I slapped his right back which scared him a bit before putting me down and kissing me deeply.

Jimin- " good morning kitten"

I blushed at his sudden nickname and burred my face in his chest, my arms wrapped around him tightly. He chuckled before resting his chin on my head, he is short but not as short as me.

J-Hope -"  ewwwwwww get a room love birds"

We broke the hug and laced our fingers together before, sitting between the other love birds and J-Hope, Taehyung scooted closer to me and whispered in my ear.

Taehyung-" I am so glad we met them"

He pecked me on the side of my head which Jimin noticed immediately and pulled me closer to him. And then Taehyung put his arm around me which Jungkook noticed and grabbed Taehyungs arm to pull him back, Taehyung and Jimin were still  holding on to me so I got pulled both ways.


All 3 of them looked at me very supprised and they let go not saying a word and avoided contact with me for the rest of the show, I was cuddling J-Hope because I was kinda pissed at all 3 of the other guys, and I could tell that Jimin was jealous at the moment. His arms were crossed and he had a pout on his face as he watched the show.


It's midnight  and most of the boys  were sleeping but Taehyung and I were still awake watching  horror move called The Forest. To be honest I think Taehyung is terrified right now because he is grasping my arm so tight. There was a jump scare and we screamed so loud I thought my lungs were going to collapse.

Taehyung- " aaahhhh, y/n iam scared!"

Y/n-"  I know I am too!"

Just then I heard the front door knob start to turn, Taehyung and I duck our heads behind the couch, shushing each other. We heard someone limping throught the door and we decided on the count of 3 we would jump up.

Y/n- " 1...........2...........3!"

Both of us- " ahhhhh!"

We jump up with with intentions of hurting the intruder but was met with a beaten up Yoongi holding his abdomen in pain. We both rush over to help him, putting his arms over our shoulders and carry him to the couch. I immediately go get a wet cloth and Taehyung goes upstairs to wake up all the other boys.
I was cleaning the blood from his lip when I see Namjoon followed by all the other 5 guys walking down the stairs with the same facial expression, pissed off and worried. Namjoon walks to the door and slams it shut Jin walks over to me holding Yoongi's chin up examining the wounds of his face and grabs the cloth out of my hand before asking.

Jin- " what in the blue moons happened? "

Yoongi- " **gulp** t-they saw me trying to get groceries and did this to me"

The others gathered around Yoongi before seeing if he was okay, but the knowing Yoongi that he was he shoed them away. Jin and I still cleaning his cuts the others were in the living room making a 'plan' but were really watching tv. Jimin peeks his head into the kitchen before walking in and wrapping his hands around my waist and pecking me on the back of my head causing a blush to creep onto my face. Yoongi gives me a disgusted look before commenting on the action.

Yoongi- " why don't you guys just have sex already!?"

Jimin and I give him a surprised glare before hitting is shoulder which caused Yoongi to let out a painful groan. Jin looked at both of us with a ' are you serious' and hits both of us on the side of the head. Jimin gives him a growel and suddeny we hear the door swing open and an angry Namjoon stomps into the kitchen before grabbing onto Jin's waist and gives a dominant glare to Jimin which in resault, causes Jimin to coward behind me.

Yoongi- " ohhhhhh he just got told!"

Namjoon-" Yoongi if you don't stop with the comments I swear you'll have twice as many bruises than before"

Yoongi's smile fades into a glare and limps out of the kitchen upstairs into his bedroom, not hearing a peep from him for the rest of the night. However when I walk into the living room it turns out the boys were playing mario kart instead.

Taehyung- " no fair I never played this game before!"

Jungkook- " to bad, I am not losing against you!"

J-Hope - " stop fighting you to and play the game"

Y/n- " can I play?"

Jungkook- " yea sure, after this game you can."

A few minutes passed and Tae handed me the controller in a pout  and I glace at the screen seeing that he had lost. I look at Jungkook to find him smirking at me and quickly wipe it off when Jimin walks down stairs catching the jungkook smirk and punches him in the shoulder.

Jungkook- " oww, what the hell!?"

Jimin-" you staring at my girlfriend is what hell is "

Y/n-" can you stop so we can play the game!"

Jungkook turns to the tv and pressed play on the controller and the competition was on. I was in first place and Jungkook was right behind me in second place, I was just about to past the finish line until the tv goes black and  Namjoon walks in front of us with the remote rubbing his eyes.

Namjoon- " BED NOW!!"

we both rushed upstairs giggling to ourselves and before I reach the top something grabs my waist and everything goes black......again, the last thing I saw was Jungkook running up the stairs.

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