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We sat down on the couch and could tell that something went bad because Jungkook had this look I his eye.

Jungkook- " I just saw someone getting turned into a vampire in the woods, they have found us."

Everyone had the same look in there eye now, Jimin turned to look at me and I looked him in the eye confused, I didnt know what was happening. The other boys were discussing what to do but I couldn't hear them I was lost in Jimins eyes, I could feel this connection forming between us then the whole room went quiet all eyes on us and then the silence was broken by Jimin looking away from me. I somehow knew what was happening.........

I whispered these things to my self and Jimin hugged me tightly and a tear escaped my eye followed by a waterfall of tears.

Y/n - " I dont want you to die"

Jimin-" dont worry kitten ill protect you, nothing will get between us"

I break the hug and I noticed that there was a map on the table with a whole bunch of dots on it and Namjoon was talking to the other guys about the situation. Pointing at a dot on the map which was in south america, amazon forest.

Namjoon- " we could go here, but I dont know how the babies would last"


After the conversation we decided to move to Canada because there is alot of wooded area there where the pups can learn to turn. But the only thing wrong  is that Namjoon and I only know how to speak good english so its going to be tough but well get through it.

I rush upstairs to grab my suit case and place the sleeping pup on the softness of my bed making sure he dosent wake up, I place a bottle of Jin's milk into his mouth and open my suit case to start stuffing things in it because we arnt coming back for a long time. Just then Jimin walks into the room and since he mated me I could read his mind.

Y/n- " please expand, why are vampire's after you?"

Jimin- *sigh* " J-hope fell in love with a vampire, but when they found out, we made a deal with them so J-hope wouldn't die. But we broke the deal and now they are set out to kill us "

I hear crying coming from the side on me and pick up the baby to embrace him in my arms and he fell back asleep a few minutes after. I pecked Jimin on the lips and he sighed in accomplishment, and I can tell you what he was thinking will make you cringe.

Y/n- " please stop thinking that, we don't have time right now"

I glanced at Jimin and noticed a huge smirk on his face and he looked away picking up the baby and closed the door behind him leaving me alone. I sit on the bed and the door swung open in enjoyment, followed by a very happy Tae Tae.

Y/n- " you are way to happy that we are getting chased by vampires"

Taehyung's smile faded away into a pout and he stood infront of me like a child.

Taehyung- " that is not the reason I was happy, the reason why I was happy is because Jungkook just let me mate him."

A smile grew on my face and I gave Taehyung a great big hug and he embraced it in happiness.
I broke the hug and gave him a cute smile before turning around to continue packing. When I was finished I went down stairs to find out that the boys were gone, I peaked out the window and thankfully they were just packing the car to go. Jimin noticed me and ran inside.

Jimin- " your done packing"

Just then he dove on to me and our lips became one and passionate but slow kiss sent an ecstacy chill down my spine pulling me closer to him  and I played with his hair as he gripped my waist, I broke the kiss and hugged him tightly turning my head to the side and he caressed my long brown hair that shined red when it was in the sunlight.

- - -

Later that night we cuddled, all of us; jungkook on Taehungs chest, I on Jimin's chest and Jin and his four little pups on Namjoons chest. The pups were so well behaved being just born, when I have kids(hopefully with Jimin) Ill teach them to be kind loving and helpful. We watched the beauty and the beast that night the most accompanied night and the most horrifying night of my life. We were planning on leaving the next morning but the vampires had other planes, finding out where we lived.

I woke up at 3 am on the couch , the door as open and the house was ice cold. I walk over to close it and was met with a fist to the face which knocked me out dead cold. Someone please help me...

Sorry this chapter isnt long,school and homework, didnt  want to keep you guys waiting so I just published it. The next chapter is a thrill though, hope you love it!


My Bestfriend Is A Werewolf | Taekook, Namjin, Reader× CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now