" Have you ever loved someone so much you'd die for them?"

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After I told Taehyung the plan we started to set up the car, preparing for the long night ahead of us.

Y/n- "steaks......check.....wooden bullets....check......re-"

Taehyung- " its getting darker, we should get going"

Y/n- "yeah, I was just checking things over, making sure everything was here and hasn't magically disappeared."

I let out a heavy sigh and Taehyung smiled sadly before tears starting to gather in his eyes. I hugged him tightly, turning into a human tissue or should I say a werewolf tissue for a few minutes. I broke the hug and Tae sniffled a bit before plastering a smile on his face and getting into the panther black SUV. The sun set was particularly beautiful on this night, I wouldn't usually pay attention to these kind of things but today....today was different. The sun set lit the sky with a blush red and the softest purple embraced by an ocean blue. Yet today was the day....that someone dies, because those cold blooders wont let everybody live.

The whole car ride was silent only a few sighs coming from lisa as she stared at into her imagination, Taehyung seemed to be preparing himself for the upcoming event that no one was excited for.

As we arrived at the old wooden mansion about 4 stoies high we put on our bullet proof vests ad we loaded our steaked birch bullets into our guns. Lisa was just standing there waiting because she was immorital, she didnt need any protection.

With every step closer to the hell hole, the heart beat thudding in my ears got louder. When  we got to the door we turned into the bush to first see who was in the first rooms. Lisa went to distract them. They didnt know that Lisa was my friend and that she was betraying them. Taehyung and I were at the side window to the left and I signaled Lisa to walk into the house and they did as we'd planned. They all gathered at the door to see the intruder. We managed to open the window and climb inside the room what seemed to be the library, perfect! This is the room that we need to be in, now we just have to find that book....... red, ancient looking, grey line down the middle, named souls...found it!

I pulled the book and the whole book shelf started to shake, it popped open. Tae helped with opening the door all the way and it lead to a staircase going down, no light... only black. I gulped,took Taehyungs hand and with each step this shiver grew up my legs, there wasnt a breez, the air was cold. A bone rattling chill filled the air when we reached the bottem.

The small torch at the back of the room lit the room just enough to see the six boys lined up against the wall chains imprisioning them. I was frozen, the blood running down their faces broke my heart into more pieces than you could count, Taehyung broke the frozeness and started to cut the chain with the lock cutters. Each one fell to the floor when the chain was freed from there arms and legs. They began to regain consciousness after I poured a little bit of water on them, when Jimins eyes landed on my they grew bigger than the moon and I just smiled at him weak like I knew something was going to happen.

A banging coming from the stair well startled all of us a light visible at the end of it.

We all rushed towards a brick wall, Lisa told me that there was a secret exit, 1....2...3.. I pushed on the 4th brick in the wall and it sunk into the cement. A crack formed in the wall from top to bottem and it opened slightly, we all rushed out into the pitch black of the night, adrenaline pumping through our veins like a rushing river. We were all scared to death in the shadowy deapths of fear. The exit lead to a door which had to be opened with a little bit more force than expected.  This was it, I am going to die.

Authors note
Sorry I haven't posted for soooooo long ive been really really busy and I had really bad writers block, please give me suggestions!

Authors noteSorry I haven't posted for soooooo long ive been really really busy and I had really bad writers block, please give me suggestions!

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My Bestfriend Is A Werewolf | Taekook, Namjin, Reader× CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now