Could they really be Werewolves?

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I was only like a minute late but Mr. Jackson still scolded me for not being at my seat before he got into the classroom. I look around to see that Jungkook and Jimin wern't here, only Yoongi. So I whisper to him...

Y/n- " Where are they?"

Yoongi- " who?"

Y/n- " you know who im talking about, Jungkook and Jimin?"

Yoongi- " uh- why do you need to know its not like your his girlfriend."

Something is suspicious because he's either avoiding the question or he's on his man peroid.

Mr.Jackson- " Y/N!" He shouted my name " what is the answer to question 17?"

Y/n- " Uhhhhh....... can I go to the washroom?"

Mr. Jackson- " that is not the answer......GO!"

As soon as I get to the washroom I pull out my phone to text Taehyung.....

Y/n- " I think Jungkook and Jimin are werewolves!

Taehyung- " what!?"

Y/n- " Their werewolves!"

Taehyung- " How do you know this?"

Y/n- " There not here, and remember what he said yesterday?


Jimin- " Thanks, I kind have this thing for wolves "


Taehyung- " well that could'nt be more obvious. "

Y/n-" just keep an eye out, ill come to your house after school today."

When I got out of the washroom the bell rang and everybody started to pour into the halls, I rushed to go see Taehyung but was stopped by Yoongi...

Yoongi- " why were you asking me where they were?"

Y/n - " Isn't it obvious, I like him."

Yoongi- " He wont be back for a few days"

He turned around and was just about to walk away but stupid me not thinking before I speak blurted out the words in my mind.

Y/n- " I know that you guys are werewolves!"

Yoongi turned around and startled me by grabbing my wrist and pulled me outside to where no one could hear us...

Yoongi- " how did you find out? Tell me now!"

He sounded so angry like he wanted to kill me, the confidence started to drain out of my body when he said that, but I looked him in the eye keeping my ground.

Y/n - " why else would they not be here! Today is the full moon after all!

Yoongi- " come with me."

He grabbed my wrist again but this time I pulled away, and followed behind him into the parking lot where his motorcycle stood..
Yoongi hopes on the bike and me right after and then we start to head out of the city...


We get to a REALLY big house in the middle of the woods, that was close to Taehyungs house but I didn't say anything. Just then I feel stomping on the ground behind me and slowly turn around to see......

 Just then I feel stomping on the ground behind me and slowly turn around to see

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My Bestfriend Is A Werewolf | Taekook, Namjin, Reader× CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now