The Accident

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I felt like I peed my pants but when I looked down the boys looked at me in horror and rushed over to help me.

Jimin- " omg are you okay, your bleeding!"

Jungkook-  " shes dying!"

J- hope- " call an ambulance! "

Y/n- " guys?........guys?........GUYS!"

They all looked at me j-hope had the phone to his ear and slowly hung up to listen to me and I was surprised that they haden't heard what period is.

Y/n- " I am not dying,  I am perfectly fine."

The three of them sigh in releif  and jungkook asks me a question.

Jungkook- " why are you bleeding, your not hurt"

Y/n- " its normal for a girl to bleed every month, its called a period. It happens so we can have babies. "

Jimin- " what do we do?"

Y/n- " well first we need to clean this up and second you need to get some pads for me."

Taehyung walks down stairs and comments on the situation.

Taehyung- " guess someones on her period, ill get some chocolate cake."

Y/n- " and can you get me a towel and pads please?"

Taehyung- " sure, anything else?"

I shake my head no and Taehyung walks out the door with his car keys and Jungkook soon follows  along after him for the ride and Jimin rushes up stairs to soon be rushing back down with a towel and I put it under my butt to soak up the blood. After about an hour they come back with pads and jimin helps me upstairs to my bedrooms bathroom and I clean myself up and change into new tights. I call Jimin back in to help me up again but instead of helping me up he sits beside me and I could tell he was going to confess to me but before he opens his mouth to speak I cut him off.

Y/n- " I like you to"

He was speachless and when he opened his mouth again to speak and I knew what he was going to say again so I answer his question cutting him off.

Y/n- " yes I would like to be your girlfriend"

He pulled me into the softest hug and we stayed like that until he broke it and put his hands on my shoulders and leaned in to get a clear shot of my lips and soon enough his soft fluffy lips touched mine and thats where it started, our relationship, and soon to be the end.

That night we slept in the same bed and cuddled all night but before we fell asleep in each others arms he asked me a question. 

Jimin-" can I mate you?"

Y/n- " well I do want to stay with you forever"

Jimin- " it will only hurt a bit"

He moves closer to my neck and I felt his fang like teeth peirce through my  skin and shivers travel through my spine as he releases his scent into my skin, I groan in pain. He finishes and kisses me on the forehead and I countinue to lay on his muscular chest feeling that there is blood sliding down my shouler. Jimin grabes a bandaid from inside the nightstand and lightly presses it on my shoulder but the pressure made me jump abit and I snuggled closer to him staring into his warm gold eyes before he pecks my head and I close my eyes to slowly drift away to my dreams.

I woke up to the sound of yelling coming from downstairs and then I realized I was alone in the bed, I rushed downstairs only to find that jin was naked from his hips down in labor. I was shocked I couldn't move, I was speechless and then my mother skills kicked in and I ran upstairs to grab towels and scissors. I ran back downstairs and towards jin, when he noticed me he tried to push me away from embrassement but I was stronger than him and he gave up as soon as I pushed his hand way. I tuck the towels under him to catch anything that was coming out and then gabbed blankets. All of the boys were staring at me in shock and then  I realized I was standing... I quickly walked toward Jimin and gave him the blankets and he followed me stopping beside Jin. I prop his legs apart with pillows and ask Namjoon.

Y/n- " how long has he been in labor? "

Namjoon- " a few hours"

Y/n- " its time to start pushing okay? Boys, j-hope and Jungkook go and hold Jin's hand this is going to hurt, Namjoon, comfort him.

They didnt hesitate to do what I demanded and soon enough we had 4 little pups. Jin fell right asleep. His shirt covered in sweat making it see- through. A blanket drapped over him as he had a baby on his chest drinking milk. I ate chocolate cake as I watched t.v the boys in the other room with the two little girls and J-hope with a little boy upstairs. I was so proud of myself. I hear  rustling to my side where Jin was laying and looked over to see that his eyes were glaring at me in thanks.

Y/n- " need water?"

Jin-" no its-"

Y/n- " im getting you a glass"

He sighed as I walked to the kitchen the baby still feeding, I walked over to hand the glass to Jin and he took a sip and realized how thursty he was and gulped down the water and I quickly get him another glass.
I sat beside him and continued to eat my cake, I was really craving it at the moment. He finished the glass of water and with a clink  he placed it on the table, he gave me the baby and tried to get up but was stopped by the pain inbetween his legs. Just then I heard the basement door open and Namjoon sped toward us in worry quickly grabbing onto Jin's arm to stop him he could sense that his mate was in distress and Jin whined  at his alpha.

Jin- " Stop, I have to pee"

Namjoon- " let me help you"

They both got up, Jin was walking with his legs apart and Namjoon was supporting Jin well he walked to the washroom.
Just as the door closed Jimin  walked downsairs and pecked the back of my head over the couch before he sat down and gestured me to cuddle him and as I my head touched  his chest  it melted into soft fluffyness and I finished eating my chocolate cake.

Jungkook walked in the back door, I haden't even noticed he was gone and quickly yelled at everyone to come downstairs and said...

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