The new students

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7:30 am My alarm rang, it was time for me to get up for school but my body still wanted to sleep...


7:45 am I finlly decide to wake up, soon after putting my hair in a messy bun. Still half asleep I walk to my closet to quickly pick out an outfit and rushed to the shower. I had picked out a black blouse and some blue skinny jeans with holes in the knees


I get out of the shower with a towel around my torso. I was half dressed yet to get my blouse when I hear a knock at the door, I knew who it was because he comes to pick me up every day. Like always he lets himself in and as I hear his foot steps come up the stairs I tip-toe behind the door



It was Taehyung my childhood friend, my only friend until Lisa came along last year. I was the only one to see him change, know his secret.

Taehyung- "Y/n -ah, why did you do that I almost transformed"

Y/n- "Sorry,couldn't help it"

Taehyung- "Anyway I brought you some doughnuts because we still have half an hour"

Taehyung said looking away at the clock which read 8:05am, I quickly buttoned up my blouse and grabbed a doughnut from the box


After about 10 min we decided to walk to school because it turned out to be a somewhat decent day.

As we walk in to the school yard lisa was on her phone waiting near the door, when she looked up from behind her phone her eyes beamed with joy as she took sight of us walking towards her. She stuffed her phone into her black devil jeans and walked over and hugged me.

Y/n - "losing circulation"

Lisa- "sorry"

Lisa let go and linked our arms together just as the bell rang. Sadly Taehyung and I are in different classes so when we parted ways I was stuck with Lisa but only for this period.

As we sat down the teacher walked in, Mr. Jackson. He was the most chill-laid back teacher in the whole school.

Mr. Jackson- "Okay class, today we have 3 new students joining us, would you like to interduce yourselves boys?"

???- "Annyeong, my name is Yoongi , Min Yoongi"

???- " Hello, My name is Jeon Jungkook, I hope we get along"

The class giggled a bit then the short orange-haired boy started to speak.

???- " hi, I'm Jimin"

He said it so shyly, all of the girls in the class looked at him with hearts in their eyes. And then he turned his head making eye contact with me . I look away feeling my cheeks heat up.

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