Chapter 1

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Scott's pov

As I was groaning and shaking in pain, I tried to lie as best as I could. I didn't know who my mate was, I knew I had found my mate as soon as I felt the touch, but I couldn't dare to tell Isaac hell no one can know this and I was going to make sure I keep it a secret, why? Simple, I am not sure weather is was a girl or boy, but I had a gut feeling that it was the latter.

So I shifted into a brown golden wolf it was as huge as Isaac's black wolf. Of course, not as strong as his, he was faster, stronger and older in wolf years, hell I’m almost 18 years old and I just shifted when Isaac shifted at the young age as 12 I think.

Lucky bastard, I grown to like Isaac, he was only days older than me and I looked up to him as if he was my older brother, and he saw me as a brother too.

The next morning I was already to go to school.

 I was nervous as hell, this was my first time in a school, I was homeschool ever since I can remember, now here I am in front of a brick building full of students, and just like TV shows you can tell the popular girls, the jocks, the nerds, the emos and the stoners.

‘’Cheer up, you’ll like it’’. Cheered a grinning Isaac, I rolled my eyes at him he was treating me like a breakable doll and it tends to get on my nerves.

Than here comes Sam, I met her briefly once at the hospital, I liked her she was funny and sweet and I can see how she and Isaac really fit together.

‘’Hey guys’’. She greeted and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Isaac on the lips.

‘’Hey baby cakes, where are the twins?’’ Isaac ask Sam and she saw my confused face, what twins?

Sam laughs. ‘’The twins are my brothers, they met you in the hospital but I doubt you remember them seeing as you were out of it most of the time, and you'll meet them soon, they go here too but they went to talk to the coach, their on the football team’’. She explained and I just nodded.

The bell rang and I made my way to the office to grab my schedule, yes, I am new but I am not dumb.

As I made my way to my first class, a scent fill my nose it was the most tantalizing smell, it was making me hungry but not for food, it was a mix of axe and something else that I couldn’t put my finger on, but why is the smell of axe make me feel this way? Could it be? No it can't be, my mate couldn't be here, could it?

It's the same smell as the one at the hospital, and I only saw the face for a brief minute before my eyes shut again not enough to see how my mate looks.

Without thinking I was following the scent, surprisingly enough it was my first period classroom, I went in and the history teacher saw me he raised an eyebrow. ‘’Yes, may I help you?’’ He questions coming my way.

‘’I’m new here, my name is Scott Reid sir’’. I reply.

‘’Ahh well welcome and take a seat next to Mark, can you please put your hand up so he knows which one of you is Mark’’. He orders and I turn my vision to whoever is Mark.

I saw a boy with black hair and his doe brown eyes.

However, he wasn't what caught my eye.

 On the other side of him was the copy of him same hair color, same eye color, but different scent, and it was the scent I’ve been following, I had a feeling it was a man back in the hospital.

But looking at this two boys, they have a resemblance to Sam so I’m going to assume this were her twin brothers, and one of them was my mate, there was just one tiny little problem, I’m not gay.

I took my seat and Mark lean in.

’’Dude how you feeling?’’ I look at him with confusement.

‘’I been to the hospital but you been out, relax I know you, hell I even rode your Harley, I kind of want to ride it again’‘. He says looking at me expectantly.

In addition, his brother snorts while staring ahead, what’s so important that he had to look at? I was getting annoyed.

‘’I’m feeling good thanks, but I hope you realize that was the first and last time that you ride my my bike, hasn’t Isaac explain to you?’’ I ask him.

‘’Riding someone else's Harley it's like, riding someone else's woman’’. Chirps the sweet voice next to Mark.

I was speechless there for a minute, and I tried to gather my thoughts.

‘’Right, so no I wouldn't let you ride my woman man, so what do you I’ll say when you ask me to ride my Harley?’’ I raised an eyebrow.

I heard my mate snorting again and crossed his arms across his chest.

My god denying him as my mate is going to be difficult.

Martin Turner is my mate and my reason to live now, and to make him happy.           

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