Chapter 4

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                                        Martin's pov

As we drove back to the house, I couldn't help but think about Scott, he was so different, so normal.

I was tired of fake rich people, the only normal people was Isaac and Scott oh and who can forget their moms, I smile at that, don’t get me wrong I love my parents but they acted like high class like all our 'friends’, I wanted normal none stuck up down to earth people as my friends.

However, why am I feeling likes this now? Why do I feel empty? Maybe because I’m almost 18 and here soon I’ll be in college, I still haven't even had my first kiss, boyfriend hell I don’t think I’ve ever held hands with someone being girl or boy.

Than how do I know, I’m gay. Easy while my twin Mark was looking at boobies from my dad's porn magazine, I was on the web looking at guys kissing guys, guys fucking guys, I sigh when can I ever have that? Sometimes I just want to go to a gay club and meet a guy and have him take me to a hotel and get it over with, but do I really want to lose my virginity like that?

‘’Dude, we are here’’ .Mark snap me out of my debating thoughts.

‘’Sorry’’. I mumble as I got out of the car.

‘’What's wrong with you?’’ Lately you been acting funny’’. My twin said and frowned.

‘’Nothing, just some personal stuff I’m dealing with’’. I responded defensibly, I didn’t want to get into this.

‘’I don't feel the connection anymore’’. He spoke softly.

‘’What?’’ I turn to face him and he seems sad, I instantly felt guilty.

‘’It's nothing Mark, and the twin connection will always be there’’. I told him with a softer tone.

But I lied I didn’t feel it either and that scared me, because if we don’t feel it than once he finds out I’m gay, he can hate me easily and I couldn’t live with that.

Our twin connection was like your other half. If I was in pain Mark would feel it weather we were in the same room or miles apart.

If he cried, I would be uneasy and sad; if we were happy, we would feel it.

Moreover, if he was thinking something I always kind of sense what it was.

That’s how we ended up dressing slightly the same.

If one of us was mad we would run to find each other, even when one of us was horny the other would feel it, but since I find out I was gay and came to terms with it that connection was fading and it did made me sad.


I was laying on the side of the pool working on my tan, when a shadow step in front blocking the sun, I grunt and open one eye, it was Sam and Isaac I raised an eyebrow questioning them.

‘’We need to talk’’. Sam barely spoke.

That alarmed me, Sam finally got the boy of her life and they were getting ready to get married after graduation.

‘’What's going on? Are you ok?’’ I ask and looked at the both of them.

''It’s about Scott’’. Isaac spoke this time.

''Ok, not to sound rude or anything, but why do I need to know about Scott's life?’’ I asked sounding confuse.

By now I had gotten up and sat on one of the lawn chairs and pour myself some lemonade, they were still looking at me nervously and that bother me a bit, what the hell is going on here?

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