Chapter 2

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Martin's Pov

At some point I have to tell my family that I’m gay, but when?

Sam had finally come back to normal and my parents were happy.

So was Mark, me I was happy don't get me wrong but I got my own problems to deal with.

Like the fact that I like boys and not girls. I’ve never  been kissed, hell I never even dated so yes I’m a freaking virgin, my twin is the slut out of the two of us, people think I’m shy and that's why I don't talk to girls, but it's not that, it’s the fact that I find guys more attractive than girls.

I was now sitting on my desk at school right next to Mark who was bothering Scott, Isaac's friend.

Somehow, I kept feeling like he was looking at me but every time I turn to look, he was looking down at his book or straight ahead paying attention to Mr. Roberts.

As soon as class was over I jump up and walked out of the room, I wasn't aware that I was being follow by Mark and Scott til I stop by my locker.

‘’Uhm, can I help you guys?’’ .I asked and Mark just gave me a look.

‘’You and Scott have all the classes together even lunch, so can you help him and show him around?’’. My brother says this as a question, and I got annoyed.

‘’I’m not a fucking tour boy’’. I snapped and I thought I saw hurt cross Scott's eyes but I wasn't sure.

‘’It's ok Mark, I can find my way around’’. He mumbles sounding angry, as he stomps away.

‘’Dude would it kill you to be nice to the new guy, the guy almost die remember, why are you being an asshole man?’’ Mark hissed at me before he walks away from me.

Great now I’m an ass hole, I groan and went to find Scott, it wasn't his fault that my mood was fucked.

It wasn't his fault that I was stuck in the closet.

In addition, I’m too scared to tell even my twin brother.

Of course, it wasn't his fault that he was fucking hot and I couldn't do nothing but fantasize about him naked and me on my knees admiring the lower view.

I groan again and went to rubbed my face but bump into something hard and I fell to the ground, son of a fucking bitch that hurt, who the fuck put a wall in the middle of the hallway?

‘’You ok?’’ Scott's voice sounded a bit amused.

‘’Damn, what the fuck are you made of?’’ I question as he chuckles, grab my elbow, and lifted me up as if I didn't weight anything.

‘’Hurt my ego, why don’t you’’. I stated looking away from him; since I’m sure, I blushed.

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my shoes.

‘’Sorry for being an asshole, I’m going through some personal problems and I took it out on you, so if you still want to, I can show you around and to the classrooms’’. I drawl and looked up to find him staring at me.

‘’Uhm, ok yeah that be fine, thanks’’. He responds and turns away from me; I nodded and started walking with him following me.

I couldn’t help but think how good we both look walking next to each other.

Stop it Martin, he isn't gay and he's a werewolf so just like Isaac he'll have a mate, eventually.   

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