Chapter 10

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Martin's pov.

I was so nervous when dinner time was announce, everyone was here well except for Mark he was running late once again, it annoyed me to no end and I refused to tell anyone til he got here.

We were all sitting in the living room, my parents were talking to Emily Scott's mom and Isaac’s mom was talking to Megan's parents.

Sam and Isaac was talking to Megan and Scott was listening to their conversation.

I studied him from where I was sitting he was so handsome and sweet.

He was wearing a blue t-shirt and some slightly baggy blue jeans with his leather black jacket and accessorize with his biker black boots.

 He must've sense me looking at him cause he snap his head towards me and smile widely at me, I of course smile back at him and thought to myself how lucky. I was to be his mate.

 Then the front door open and in comes Mark with flavor of the night Veronica, we introduce Mark to Megan and her parents since he hadn't meet them yet, and he smile and shook hands with her parents but then I notice how when he shook Megan's hand she gasp and looked at Mark surprise.

Mark frowned at her and then Veronica grab Mark's arm and took him away. I frowned at that but dismissed it as my dad said. ‘’Finally, let's eat since his royal highness decided to reward us with his presence’’. We all laugh at my dad's comments and we all made it to the dining room.

Once we ate and it was time to get it, Mark went to fetch it from the kitchen, it was just strawberry cheesecake and ice cream, I notice how Megan went to go to the bathroom.

It took Mark a while and then came in five seconds later Megan came back and sat back down on her seat, looking pale and sad.

What was up?

Scott cleared his throat and nudge me in my ribs, I wince it was time to get the cat out of the bag, to come out to my family.

‘’Hey I need to tell you all something’’. I said standing up, everyone got quiet and stared at me; I sigh and close my eyes.

‘’Mom, dad I’m gay and Scott is my boyfriend, well actually I’m his mate’’. I said and Scott stood up and hold my hand, thank god he did that, since my legs were a shaking mess.

‘’Well about time you admitted that’’. My dad said smiling, I snap my head towards that and found him and mom smiling at me.

I was confuse, how did they know?

‘’Honey we as parents know each of you, like Sam feeling insecure, and Mark is a man whore who doesn’t believe in love and also allergic to any kind of animal that has fur’’. My mom explained.

‘’Who can forget our other son, who's been suffering for a while because he's gay and can't tell anyone and we are sorry for not telling you, that we knew but we wanted you to come to terms and to tell us when you were ready. A mother knows baby, so congratulations oh and you and Scott make a cute couple and we are so excited for the double wedding’’. My mother gushed and Scott and me yelled, ‘’WHAT?’’. Both at the same time.

‘’Well since the two of you are mates, well why not get married with Sam and Isaac’’. My dad spoke in a duh tone.

‘’Now all we have to worry is Mark’’. My parents sigh and we all looked at Mark was glaring at Megan, I frowned what is going on.

‘’Hey Mark, what do you think?’’ I ask.

He stop glaring at Megan who was just looking down at her plate, he forced a smile for me.

‘’I’m glad for you bro, but I already knew you were gay, twins remember’’. He said and taps his side of the head, while saying that.

I smile at them; they love me even though I’m gay.

Later we all finish and went to the living room, we decided to get married when Sam and Isaac do, and me and Sam was going to go to college while the man worked, I smile and hugged Scott tightly to me, he kissed my forehead and sigh in contentment.

Yeah I’m a lucky bastard, I’m gay and have a boyfriend whom i gave my first kiss to, and later the rest of me.

Scott's Pov.

I was beyond happy, I got my mate and he loves me, and in a couple of months, we'll be married.

My life was starting to get better, and I couldn't believe it.

I said my goodbyes to Martin and walked to the car with Isaac and our moms.

I waved at Megan and she sadly waved back at me, I frowned at her what was wrong with her?

She seemed off after she came back from the bathroom.

It's probably nothing, I’m just seeing things, I sigh and went straight up to my room and collapsed on my bed ready to sleep, I smile as thoughts of my mate came into my mind, we were going to be so happy and I swear I'll do anything for him, why? Well simple, it’s because I love my mate.

Later that night Isaac woke me up.

‘’Megan's parents just call, she shifted in to her wolf’’. He said looking sleepy.

I frowned, she shifted? That means she met her mate, but who? Isaac must've read my mind.

‘’She refuses to tell who is her mate, she only said he rejected her’’. Isaac said and wince at the same time as me, no wonder she looked sad, the mate rejected her that must have been painful, Isaac said goodnight and so did I,I went back to sleep thinking how lucky i was because my mate wanted me.

 I wanted him too.

The End!

 (Another story coming up title ‘’It can’t be true’’.  Hope you all like it!


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