Chapter 6

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                             Martin's Pov

I kept catching Scott looking at me in a funny way, than I would catch Scott and Mark exchanging glances with each other and that made me uneasy, what was going on?

My dad was talking to Isaac about him trying to go to college with Sam, but Isaac was determined on sending Sam to college and him work full time, how very noble of him.

My mom was quiet and every once in a while, she would chance a look at me.

I frowned, was my family always this weird? Maybe they were and I never saw it.

‘’Martin, I was cleaning your room today and I found something there’’. My mother spoke with an accusing tone in her voice.

I gulp what she found. My gay porn magazines or the porn DVDs I bought. Fuck, my life is screwed; I sigh and try to act innocent and just shrugged.

‘’Honey why didn’t you tell us? We are so proud of you!’’ My mom exclaimed and stood up came over to me and gave me a hug.

I stiffen; I was trying to figure my mother's actions but no luck.

‘’Mom~cannot~b--b-breathe’’. I said trying to get out of her steel tight arms.

She blushed and let go of me, but not before, she peck me on my cheek.

‘’So then, did you decide on who to pick? Frankly I choose Princeton but it’s your decision'’’. My mom was talking so happy and then it dawn on me, she saw my acceptance letters, I breathe in signs of relieved, thanking whoever was looking out for me that she didn’t find my stash of my good old gay porn.

I shrugged and with my fork I pick up a piece of my steak and stuck it in my mouth, while chewing slowly I notice it had gotten quiet ,I glance and everyone was staring at me.

‘’What?’’ I ask them while sipping on my drink.

‘’So, what college?’’ Sam asks again, don't they get tired of asking questions.

No not my family, they never get tired of butting into my personal life.

‘’Honestly, I don't know yet, believe me once I find out, you'll be the first to know’’. I stuck another piece of steak in my mouth and risk a glance at Scott, I frowned him and Mark was having some kind of silent argument, and it annoyed me.

I excused myself and went up to my room.

I took a quick shower and came out wearing nothing but a towel around my waist.

 I Had already blow dry my hair and was beginning to look for some boxers, without looking around I drop the towel and I heard someone’s intake of air as if they got burned in a fire.

I turn around only to find Scott sitting on my bed, I yelled and bend down to pick up my towel and put it around my waist to covered myself, I turn to glared at Scott and he looked down finding the carpet on my floor more interesting.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ I hissed annoyed yet again for I don’t know the 50 thousand times tonight.

‘’I need physical contact’’. He mumbles and I could tell he was blushing.

‘’You got to be kidding me’’. I gritted my teeth and grab some pj's, went into my bathroom, once I came out, I went and sat on my bed.

‘’Ok, you can sleep with me, but just to sleep no funny business, do you understand me?’’ I said and he nodded.

‘’Let's make this cleared, I agreed to help you with this but you and I will never happen’’. I snap why was I being an asshole.

‘’Don't you think I know that? Every hour of the day, every minute of every hour of every fucking day I know that! You are so out of my league and I have no chance, but at the same time if I’m not around you I might die and I don’t want to leave my mom alone, I’m all she has’’. He finishes whispering the last sentence.

He thought I was out of his league, god if he only knew how fucking sexy he is.

We both lay down on the bed side by side.

I clapped my hand once and the lights went off.

Scott's hand reach for mine in the darkness, and I knew I was supposed to push him away but I didn't want to, his hand holding mine felt too good, and I let sleep take me to where I’m safe, in my dreams where I could be the real me and not what everyone seems to think it’s me.

Honestly, I’m getting tired of pretending.


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