Chapter 5

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Scott's Pov.

It hurt when Isaac told me Martin denied me.

However, today I saw he was hurting too, why? I had no idea.

At lunch I saw Sam giving Martin a glared and I frowned at that, why is she being like that towards him? I know I’m hurting but we can’t possibly ask him to be with me just because my wolf wants him, hell how do you turn someone straight to gay? It's hard for me and I’m a wolf.  So I didn't expected for Martin to just come running into my arms and kissed me senseless, as good as that sounds it can never happened and I’m ok with that, as long as we can be friends and have some kind of physical contact I should be alright, at least I hope so.

We agreed and now Martin seemed abit relaxed.

We were going back to their house to hang out at their pool; Mark was all excited while Isaac and Sam were just content by being around each other.

Martin and I were just sitting next to each other, we had left our bikes at our house and we were riding in the twins Bmw, I kept rubbing my leg against Martin's on purpose and he didn't seem to either notice or he liked it.

‘’Bro, why are you so quiet?’’. Asked Mark next to Martin, since he was in the middle of me and Mark.

‘’Just thinking about some things’’. Martin spoke but he seemed like he wasn't here, he was miles away from here from us, I frowned and realize that I’ve been doing that a whole lot since I found Martin.

‘’About what?’’ Mark pushed for more.

I heard Martin sigh and turn to look at Mark; he wanted to tell him something but then shook his head as if deciding not to.

‘’About college, I’m debating whether to go here in the State of somewhere else’’. He chirps and I felt like I have been punched, I didn’t thought of that, he was going to college and I was going to stay behind, us werewolves never saw the need to continue school after high school.

‘’What are your choices?’’ Asks Mark.

‘’Ucla, Princeton, Yale and Harvard’’ .Martin finish mentioning the colleges and we all turn to look at him.

‘’What?’’ He mumbles looking away from our intense stares.

‘’Martin three out of those are Ivy League schools’’. Sam stated.

‘’And?’’ Martin asked with an eyebrow raised.

‘’You got in, in all of those’’. Sam pipes as if she couldn't believe it.

I got annoyed at that, I mean come on Martin was smart I could tell just by the way he sat during class.

The way he paid attention and how he always turn in his homework, how neat his handwriting was and oh my god I’m biased by this.

‘’Yes, yes I did get in, in all of them, no big deal’’. .He waves his hand and sigh closing his eyes.

Without thinking, I kind of rest my hand on top of his, while looking out the window.

He drops his eyes to our hands than slowly lift his eyes up to look at me.

 from the corner of my eyes I saw him and he blushed but didn't move his hand and that made me happy, we drove the rest of the way like that and no one could see it since our hands were in between me and him.

We reach their house and Martin pull his hand away from mine, making me for the hundredth time to frowned.


After a long evening of swimming and having fun, Martin's parents invited me and Isaac to stay for dinner, I went up to the bathroom to get dressed in my dry clothes, there was a knock on the door and I open it once I pull my pants up and zipped it.

It was Mark, he came in and shut the door, he looked nervous or something I was waiting for him to say something, I just lean on the wall and crossed my arms across my chest.

‘’I know my brother is your mate’’. He finally says and I open my mouth to ask him how.

‘’Please the day someone can keep a secret from me, it will be the day hell freezes over’’. He said snorting.

‘’And?’’. I really have no clue as to, why bring this up.

‘’Well I have to tell you something, but you have to promised not to say something to no one, especially Martin’’. He explained.

‘’Ok I promised, what's up?’’ I told him.

‘’Martin is gay’’. Mark whispers it in a hush tone, making me drop my jaw open.

I open my mouth a couple of times trying to speak but I couldn't.

‘’He thinks I don't know, and I’ve been trying to make him tell me but he won't’’. He sounded hurt, and who wouldn’t, not being trusted by family was painful.

‘’He's sad all the time lately, I known he's gay for a while now, I mean how much of an idiot can he be’’. He pipes and I growl at him, no one was going to insult my mate, twin or not.

He chuckle and raised an eyebrow.

‘’Relax dude, I love him to pieces but he needs help, he needs love’’. He sighs and shut his eyes for a bit, when he opened them and looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

‘’He needs to be love and he needs someone to love, and if it's you that can make him happy than go for it dude, make him fall in love with you but don’t hurt him’’. He chuckle after he said that last part.

‘’Man, first I only had to worry about Sam you know because she is the girl, and now it's Sam and Martin and to top it all, they date wolfs, how am I going to kick your asses if you two hurt them?’’ He laughs, and shook his head at me and I just grinned.

‘’You really think he's gay?’’ .I asked afraid that this wasn't real.

‘’Dude, right now in the living room, the boy is reading this book called 'Letters to Juliet', can you say gay? I mean did you or Isaac hell even Sam knew about that book. No but he does, he has never dated and I have had the feeling that he is different, you know the perk of being identical twins’’. He smiles and went out the door.

I follow him and we both made it to the living room.

I saw Martin putting the book back on the shelf.

 He went to sit back on the couch.

I smile and made my way to sit next to him

I of course gave him my bigger and brightest smile, he looked taken back and then surprising me he for the first time smile at me.

He smiled at me, Martin Turner smiled at me Scott Reid, and I wasn't ashamed to feel giddy like a high school girl.

Do I have a chance with my mate? Can this come true?

God I hope so!


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