Chapter 3

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Scott's Pov.

I was angry at him why was he being an asshole, I stomp away but didn’t go far, I hide and eavesdrop on the twins, yeah yeah I’m a terrible person, but whatever.

I could hear Mark scolding him, about why he was being an asshole and why can't he be nice and the cherry on top The guy almost die, my stomach churn and I felt a pain in my chest, is that how I was going to be remember by, the guy who almost die because of his father?

Than I heard a groan and I realized it came from Martin, I quickly started to walk away, but his scent was getting closer, there was a hint of arousal mix with his scent and I wonder if it was because of me, than I shook that thought out of my head.

Yeah a loser werewolf like you is arousing Martin the hot popular boy, who’s every girl’s wet dream.

That made my mood worsen, I knew I couldn't take him as my mate, because one I don't think that's even allowed, I never seen two males mates and two I’m not gay, but than why do I like Martin?, And three Martin is not gay, he probably got horny at the sight of a girl on the hallway.

With that thought I froze right on the spot determined to see who cause that arousal, but to my surprise I felt someone bump into me and his scent told me who it was before I look down on the floor.

I chuckle and ask him if he was ok, trying to hide my amusement.

Could I have aroused him?

After he apologized and offered me his help, which I happily agreed to take, we made our way to our next class,

As we walked together, I couldn’t help but glance at him, he’s handsome, he's got those pouty red lips and those big doe brown eyes his black hair, this boy was beautiful.

Am I coming to terms with this? Maybe.

Am I ready to tell someone? Yes, Isaac.

However, just Isaac, and I’ll tell him today after school at work.


After school, I made my way to my Harley.

I was about to leave but I spotted Martin talking to a girl.

She was smiling at him and rubbing his arm in a flirtatious way. It made my wolf growl and I try to keep him in check, than he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and that did it.

I got off my bike and started making my way towards them; I was going to rip that bitch's throat for flirting with my mate.

‘’Whoa, whoa Scott, what the fuck? Your eyes are glowing?’’ Whispered a freak out Isaac.

I breathe in and out and look towards Martin only to find the spot empty.

Than I saw the twins in their car, my wolf calmed down once I saw Martin in the car with his brother and not with the bitch.

‘’Want to tell me what the fuck was that?’’ Isaac asks growling at me.

Sighing, I guess I’ll have to tell him sooner then I planned.

‘’I know who my mate is’’. Was my reply and he grinned widely.

‘’Well who is she? Do we know her; does she go to this school? Hey maybe we can double date’’ .He exclaimed happily, and I rolled my eyes.

‘’Dude chill, we are not chicks, we are man, hell man who are wolfs and you sounding like a girl’’. I snap, I don’t know why I was acting like this towards him, well yeah that’s a lie I do know, because what I’m about to tell him is going to make him hate me.

‘’Isaac, is not, it isn't’’. I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

‘’Spit it out man!’’ He shouted at me.

‘’It’s Martin, ok Its Sam's brother, Martin is my mate!’’ I yelled at him and rubbed my face and looked down I felt tears coming out of my eyes.

‘’What?’’ We both heard Sam's voice.

Ah fuck me, now she knows.


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