Chapter 8

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                                                          Martin’s Pov.

We were all bowling but I couldn't concentrate, Scott wasn't here with us no he had to go see his girlfriend.

That bug me to no end, he has a girlfriend is this even allowed? I mean I’m his fucking mate, shouldn't he be acting like Isaac is with Sam, I turn to look at them and they were both giving each other lovey dovey eyes, ugh it’s getting old and annoying.

I stood up and went to seat next to them; they still didn’t notice me, so I rolled my eyes and then clear my throat.

‘’Oh what’s up bud?’’ Asks Isaac, while still looking at Sam.

‘’I have a question’’. I question him, my voice full of urgency.

‘’Sure, shoot’’. I rolled my eyes at his stupid grin on his face, yes, we get it, you people are in love don’t need to rub in.

‘’Shouldn't Scott be like you? I mean do you feel the need to have a girlfriend even though you have Sam. On the other hand, maybe Scott and I aren't mates after all’’. I wince at my own words, why is the thought of me and Scott not being mates hurt. Could I be falling for the wolf?

I shook my head and dismissed that feeling, the fact of the matter is that I don’t want to fall in love, at least not until I’m away and in college.

‘’No, we each have a mate, Scott's wolf didn't come out til you and him interact.

‘’I’m not sure why he's still with Megan but I guess we are going to find out’’. He said and look over my shoulder with a disappointed look on his face, Sam gasp and I couldn't take it any longer I turn my head towards the direction they was looking at I swear I could hear my heart beating hard.

There coming our direction was Scott with this beautiful blond girl, she was laughing at something he said and rub his arm in a sweet kind of way, I just stared at them for a bit til Isaac snapped me out of my thoughts by growling, I frowned at him.

‘’Isaac?’’ I mumble still looking at the happy couple.

‘’I’m sorry, I’m going to tell him to go away and take her with him, he doesn't need to parade her in front of you, HIS real mate’’. He growls again.

‘’Don’t, it’s fine with me’’. I exclaimed and he stops to look at me.

‘’We decided to be friends, since he's not gay’’ .I explained and then looked down. ‘’And I’m not either, so let’s all just hang out ok’’. I whispered and smile sadly; I lied to my family yet again.

‘’Hey guys this is Megan, and Megs well you know Isaac, that's his mate Sam and that's Martin Sam's brother’’. He introduces us and a spark came across her eyes when they landed on me, I just waved a hello, and looked at Scott's hand holding hers, I mentally slap myself and turn away.

‘’There's another one Martin's twin brother Mark’’. Scott said looking confuse, usually where I’m at, Mark is but he was running late.

‘’He went to get his date for the night’’. Sam drawls, speaking for the first time since the awkward silence begin.

‘’So Megan, why are you here, didn't Scott told you that he shifted’’? Isaac spoke with venom in his words.

Megan smile brightly at Isaac and shook her head.

‘’Yes Isaac he told me he found his mate, so don’t worry, we are not dating anymore we are just friends, I’m starting school here too and my parents already found a job here, so I’m not here to cause problems’’. She explained but was looking at me; does she already know I’m Scott's mate?

‘’You should think about this whole being just buds, because anyone with eyes could see how hurt you look when you saw him holding my hand’’. She stated and grinned widely, when I glared at her, I guess that answers my question.

‘’If he's not your mate, than why are you here, looking for him?’’ I snapped at her.

She frowned at my question and looked away biting her bottom lip, before turning her attention back to me.

‘’I don't know, I feel some sort of pull towards Scott and that's the thing, is not just Scotty but Isaac too’’. She responds while still biting her bottom lip.

As soon as she said that, Sam wraps her arms around Isaac in a possessive way, in dog terms she was staking her claimed on Isaac.

Megan smile at her.

‘’Don't worry my pull now is not in a romantic way, but I’m not sure what it is yet, but this pull is strong’’. She talks more to herself and frowned.

We drop it and we decided to start bowling, Mark texted us that he wasn't coming after all.

It turns out Megan was nice, besides the fact that she kept making funny remarks about Scott and me, I think I broke the record with all the times I blushed.

After we were done, I went to the bathroom to pee, when I was done I went outside only to find Megan leaning on the wall next to the bathroom, she saw me and smile.

‘’Finally, you took long enough’’. She chuckles.

‘’What’s up?’’ I question her while sticking my hands in my pockets.

‘’Why are you pretending? I know you like him, hell you probably in love with him that's why I don’t get it, why not just admitted’’. She frowns.

Should I tell her? What if, she tells my family?

 The whole school since she's starting at ours tomorrow?

I looked around and shrugged my shoulders making a decision.

‘’I don’t know what you talking about’’. I started walking away, when she snorted.

‘’You're lying, so what if you're gay. If you're family doesn’t accept than that's their lost not yours, at least you'll have Scotty by your side. Who loves you, cares for you and would do anything to make you happy, remember all this is hurting him like it’s hurting you maybe even more, since his feelings are ten times more, him being wolf and all’’. She explains and left me there with my mouth wide open, how did she know I was gay? Can you really tell?

I groaned, and to make things worse, she was right I was starting to have feelings for Scott.

I should just forget my fears and tell everyone.

Maybe I can start with Sam and Isaac and see how they react; no, I should start with Scott.

Yeah I’ll tell him and see how that works out.


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