Chapter 7

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(A pic of Hayden Panettiere as Megan Scott's ex-girlfriend on the side>

Scott's Pov

If Martin was gay, then he is doing a goddamn good job at hiding it.

I woke up and I saw the clock on Martin's nightstand flashing 6:00am, I look down and somehow during the night Martin had made it into my arms, since they were around his waist, with his head lying on my chest, his face was so relax and he had a tiny rarely visible smile on his pouty red lips.

I brushed his hair to the side and stare at his whole face, could Mark be right? Could my mate really be gay? However, if he is than why is he pushing me away? Am I not his type? I meant what I said last night that I was way out of his league and that hurt like a bitch, especially since he didn't contradict my words.

He shifted a bit and I knew it was time to let my mate go and get out of his bed.

I sigh frustrated this isn't how I imagine it would be when I found my mate.

I admitted that back than I thought Megan was my mate, but she didn’t cause me to shift.

Martin did and only by a single touch, when Megan and me had sex every single day since she had become my girlfriend.

I got dressed since I had slept in my boxers.

I was surprised Martin had let me do that, I was sure he would've kick me out of his bed, if he felt my hard on. You have no idea how hard it is to sleep next to your mate and not make him scream my name while I plow into that sexy little ass of his.

Ok Scott stop with the dirty thoughts, you’re not helping your situation.

Think scary thoughts, old people fucking, my grandma wearing a thong, my father wearing a tutu, ok that did it.

With one last look at my beautiful sleeping mate, I walked out the door.

On my way down, I bump in to Mark. ’’Hey bud, how was the night?’’ He asked me while wiggling his eyebrows up and down, in a suggestive manner.

I rolled my eyes at him, what did he think? That we fuck just because we are mates, psht I wish.

‘’No’’. I mumble grumpily.

We both made it in to the kitchen and took a seat and The Turner’s parents serve us pancakes, bacon, scramble eggs and orange juice.

We were all sitting down and eating when my cell went off, I realize it was mine and jump up and answer it.

‘’Hello?’’ I ask since the caller id said unknown.

‘’Do you have any idea how hard it was to find you?’’ Said the familiar sweet voice, which at one point had made me happy now it sends shivers down my spine and not the good ones.

‘’Megan?’’ I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, why was she calling me.

‘’Yes Scotty, I’m in town and I want to see you’’. She sounded demanding.

‘’Why?’’ I asked her.

‘’Do I really need a reason to want to see my boyfriend’’. She snorts and I could picture her raising an eyebrow in amusement.

‘’No! Of course not, I want to see you too, after all you're my girlfriend’’. I mumble and almost puke as the word girlfriend came out of my mouth.

‘’Ok love, I'll see you in an hour at the town park, k’’. She sounded too sickly sweet.

My stomach was hurting, I didn't want to see her, talk to her and what's worse is that I’m going to have to act like a boyfriend and I did not want to kiss her.

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