2. Flights to California

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The next day, Jack woke up Hunter and I around 7 AM to catch our flight. It was early for me and Jack but Hunter couldn't keep her mouth shut. Cameron Dallas this, Nash Grier that, so annoying.

"You still wanna bring her?" Jack whispers.

"Might as well let her live her dream alongside her best friend." I smile.

"Okay," Jack laughs.


A few hours after we arrived at the airport, we were saying our goodbyes. Johnson and Sam pulled up right behind our car.

"Bye mom, I love you." Johnson says as he and his mom kiss cheeks.

"Bye Mrs. Johnson, thank you for the ride." Sam says, following a hug.

"Anytime Sam," She smiles. Then they walk over to us. Mrs. Johnson waves goodbye to us as she heads to work.

"Ready for the big day guys?" Johnson says to Jack and Sam.

"Oh yeah, totally." They say.

Hunter comes out of the car and almost about dies at the sight of Sam. I don't know why, she's been over to my house like a million times while Sam was there. I cover her mouth before she says anything.

"How many times are you going to freak out when you see Sam? I mean you've seen him like a million times before."

"I don't think I'll ever get over it." She whispers. We say goodbye to my mom and dad and then were off to Gate C.


Hours later, we were finally on the plane. I sat with Hunter and a stranger. The Jacks and Sam sat across from us.

"Can you please try to look excited?" Jack says from across the lane.

"I am excited." I say with a straight face.

"Whoa there, calm down Spence." Sam laughs with his hands up.

"Shut up," I laugh. I plug in my headphones and look out the window. Then I could hear the flight attendant speak as it slowly drains out...

"Ladies and Gentlement welcome aboard Southwest Airlines flight number 120. Please make sure that all carry-on items are stowed either in an overhead compartment or completely beneath the seat in front of you. If you have problems with the proper stowage of your items, please let a flight attendant know and we will be happy to help you..."


The plane rumbles to a stop and I wake up. Hunter, Jack, and Jack were still asleep but Sam and I woke up right as we landed. Sam points at Johnson's mouth as it lies open. He takes a gummy worm and hangs it over his mouth.

He puts his finger to his lips and laughs uncontrollably but silently. Then he calms himself and goes back to hanging the worm over Johnson's mouth. Finally, he drops it.

Johnson springs up and nearly chokes on the worm. He pats his chest as Sam and I laugh. I know we shouldn't be laughing, he's choking for gods sake but still, it was funny.

"You're an ass for that Wilkinson," Johnson says with a raspy voice.

"What can I say?" Sam smiles and winks at me.

Moments later, we board off our plane and see millions of girls screaming Jack, Jack, and Sam's name. Oh gosh, here we go...

"So this is what it's like to be famous?" Hunter whispers in awe.

"Not even," I say.

The three of them walk over to the fans and take pictures, sign things, and have chats with them. It's cool to see my brother getting bigger by the second but I don't think I could handle it.

I tap my brother on the shoulder and point towards the bathroom. You couldn't hear anyone or anything for crap in there. All you hear is girls screaming their names. He nods and I drag Hunter with me.

We walk into the bathroom and I wash my face and put on some make-up. Hunter does the same. She's wearing a tie-dye crop top along with black high-waisted shorts. I'm wearing a floral crop top and the same black high-waisted shorts. My hair was down and Hunter was putting hers in a braid. We tried to match but she doesn't have the same crop top.

"Too much?" Hunter asks with a laugh. She has pink blush plastered onto her face, black eyeshadow reaching to her eyebrows, and red lipstick.

"I think you look flawless," I laugh.

"Thanks babe, I can always count on you," She smiles and we laugh again.

Hunter and I always had a great relationship, considering the fact that we do almost everything together. We've never really gotten tired of each other. She's like the sister I never had.

A few girls come out of the stall and you could hear the gasps coming from their mouths a mile away. Hunter and I turn and their faces are in shock. I have no idea why, we're not even famous.

"Oh my god are you Gilinsky's sister??" One girl screams.

"Um, yeah?" I say, unsure of what's happening.

"OH MY GOD!" She screams with her friend. "Can we get a picture with you??"

"Are you sure you wanna do it in the bathroom?" I laugh. We hear a toilet flush and a rather large woman walk out. I'm not making fun of her size, that's wrong. She just stunk up the bathroom. Bad.

We cover our noses and walk out. When were out, Hunter and I take a few pictures with the girls and even sign some stuff. It was a pretty weird experience...

I hug the girls as they walk away. I could tell they already met Jack because they wave to him and walk away, screaming. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Ah, so I see you have some fans?" Jack smiles.

"Shut up," I punch him in the arm.

We walk out to a driver waiting for us. The sign he holds says "The Gilinskys, Jack Johnson, Sam Wilkinson, and Hunter Scott." So we walk to him as he guides us to the limo.

"So yeah uh, Spence?" Jack whispers.


"The guys are in the limo so don't be mad," He makes a face.

"It's whatever, I'll have to get used to it anyways." I say. Then we climb into the limo.

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