21. Back to School

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A few days after leaving North Carolina, school was just around the corner. I wasn't excited at all but I couldn't wait to see my friends again.

All I could think about was Hayes. I freaking missed him. I just wish he could stay with us, or vice versa. I just wanna wake up to his face everyday.

"Whatcha thinkin' bout?" Jack asks.

"You know," I say.

"I know it sucks," Jack says. "That's how I feel about Nash. He's such a great boyfriend," We both laugh.

"I always knew you were gay!" I joke.

"Okay, lil sis, watch what you say." He laughs.

"Yeah, yeah."

"It's alright, Spence." He begins. His arm goes around my shoulders. "Things like this suck, I know. But you just gotta know, you'll see him tomorrow, and the next day. That's what you gotta keep in mind."

"Thanks bro," I say. "I guess that helps."

"Don't worry, I'll always be here for you. If you need me, of course." He laughs.

"Thanks Jack," I smile.

"Anytime lil sis." He pats me on the back and walks out.

I could see his point but he isn't dating someone who is forever away. It was hard but I knew to stay loyal to Hayes and he knew the same. But Jack was right, I will see him tomorrow, I will see him next week...in my heart.


It was the first day of school. I was prepared for the millions and trillions of questions about Magcon and Hayes and Jack and everything. I already get asked about the Jacks, Sammy, and Skate. Pretty much if Jack and Jack posted a picture with a guy or girl, they'd run to me for answers.

I walked in for the first time without Hunter. We were still friends but it's awkward. Nothing was the same.

"Hey Spencer! You're dating Hayes Grier?" Someone says.

"Oh my god! It's Hayes girlfriend!"

"I hate you!"

"I wish I was you!"

"Is he a good kisser?"

"I heard you met Cameron Dallas, is he hotter in real life??" Here comes the questions. Do I really need to explain my day to anyone?


School finally ended, and I couldn't be anymore happier than to get out of there. I walked out, fast. I didn't want to be interviewed or bombarded about people I met.

Jack was waiting for me in the front which was kind of a first. He never picks me up. I could see Brock and Mack sitting in the car, all waiting for me. I gotta admit, I actually kind of missed them.

A huge smile appears across my face as I walk a little faster towards the car. Then a group of girls stop me in my tracks.

"Um I've really got to go," I tell them.

"Did we ask?" One girl says.

"Excuse me?" I snap back. "Let me go,"

"Or what? You'll get your brother or you best friend to fend for you? Why don't you fight your own fights, Spencer?"

"There's no need to fight. You're clearly just jealous of my life."

"Why would I be jealous of you?"

"One, I'm dating Hayes, which is probably why you stopped me. Two, Jack Gilinsky is my brother, making me super close to the other guys. Three, I can steal your boyfriend." I look over at him and wink. He smiles and automatically looks away.

It wasn't the best idea to do that, considering someone could tell Hayes I cheated on him but who would he believe? Some random girl who's mad or me?

Her mouth gapes open.

"How dare you!"

"And how dare you still stand in my way!" I imitate her. I shove through the big group and walk to Jack's car. I feel something wet hit my back.

"That's for taking Hayes off the market!" She yells and I hear giggles.

"Not like you were gonna get him anyways!" I yell back. She tries to run after me but her friends hold her back.

I wipe the stuff off my back and get in Jack's car. Then I look at the girl once again. She was furious and all I could do was smile. It was hilarious to me that for a single second, people think bullying me is gonna get me to dump Hayes. You may make my day bad but you're not breaking us up.

"Just remember," I say as Jack starts up the car. "He's dating me, not you." I smile and laugh as we drive home.

The car ride wasn't too bad. Mostly laughs about me getting hit in the back with some wet sticky stuff that I have no clue where it came from.

"That was pretty awesome little sis," Jack says.

"She was ugly anyways," Mack says.

"Yeah, and no one wants to date a whore." Brock laughs.

"How do you know she's a whore?" I ask laughing. Its funny because it's true.

"McKenna tells me about her all the time. She's heard things before she even got there."

"Well, news travels fast." I laugh.

"Sure as hell does,"


We had dropped off the guys and headed home.

"So, how was the first day?" Jack smiles.

"Lame. All it was was "how's hayes?" Or "what's your brother's number?" Or "is it weird dating a celebrity?""

"Welcome to the life, little sister." Jack laughs. "Just lie to them. It's hilarious how gullible people are."

"Oh I don't doubt that." I laugh. When we get home, Jack opens the door and let's me in first. Then I get to the first step of the stairs before being stopped.

"Honey!" My mom yells.

"Yes?" I groan.

"There's a surprise for you in the kitchen!" I look at Jack, asking if he knew. All he did was smile and shrug. Of course he knew, was that even a question?

I walk into the kitchen to see roses resting on the island. There were a box of chocolates next to it. Why was this even here? Valentine's Day is like forever away...

I pick up the card next to it and read it.

Dear Spencer,

I miss you so much. Hopefully you like these. I bought them so you'd never forget about me. By the way, I hope your first day back wasn't as bad as mine. All people did was ask questions. I'm assuming they did that to you...Sorry... Anyways, I hope you love the gift. Just wanted to send you something as a 'Welcome Back' thing. Haha. Love you babe!

Miss you tons,

My heart fills with a million butterflies. He was so sweet. I don't know why people asked him questions about me, though. I'm nothing special.

I take the flowers and chocolate upstairs. I rest them on the table by the window so they're able to see light. Then, I flop onto my bed. Another special moment to put into the books.

I couldn't wait till the next holiday break. Hopefully we could find a way to see each other again. I hated being away from Hayes, it's like being in jail. It's like Romeo and Juliet. I feel like we're forbidden to see each other.

But that's not the case, no, I just like 10,000 miles away from the person I love. No matter, they say, you'll see him next holiday.

But nobody ever thinks. I wanna see him everyday. Everyday until I die. No one, and I mean no one, has ever made me feel this way. I've never felt so...happy... Everyday I think about him, my body feels ecstatic like I've been electrified with happiness.

Either way, I'm happy to even be able to date Hayes. It's not easy to date someone like him, what with all the questions and all. But putting that aside, its the greatest moments of my life.

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