12. Three's Company

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"What should we try tonight?" Louis asks as he takes a seat on his boyfriend's lap ignoring the free space next to Niall on the couch. Niall thinks for a moment, shrugging his shoulders and biting his lip.

"I think we've already tried everything, Lou." He finally says. Louis pouts and slouches his shoulders.

"Everything?" He asks.

"Yeah. We could try something we haven't done in a while." Niall suggests, pushing Louis' fringe back.

"Oh," he groans, "are you positive that we've done everything?"

"I'm pretty sure. I'm sorry baby; let's just do something that we haven't done in a while. However way you want it." Niall bargains with a wink. Louis gives a half hearted smile before biting his lip nervously.

"Thanks babe, but I know something we haven't done yet." He says.

"Oh? And what haven't we done? I thought we've been dirty enough." Niall teases, pinching Louis' side. Louis pushes Niall's hand away and smirks at him, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I think...maybe we could try a threesome." He says. Niall automatically feels his chest tighten at those words. It's not like Louis hasn't suggested a threesome before; Niall just isn't sure how comfortable he could be sharing his boyfriend with someone else.  He explained that to Louis and thought Louis understood. During the last few months, Louis and Niall have been experimenting with different kinds of kinks to make their sex-life more...exciting, and after a little while, Louis suggested a threesome, but Niall opposed it, so he dropped it...until now.

"I know you don't like the idea of sharing me with another guy, but you should know now with how long we've been dating, I'm not going anywhere because I'm too old to be starting all over. Plus, I know you'd love it if you just gave it a chance and it's something new that we could try. Maybe at least consider it?" Louis says.

"I'll think about it Lou."  Niall says before giving Louis a peck on the lips. Louis smiles in appreciation and connects their lips in a wet, dirty kiss, licking into Niall's mouth while using one of his hands to hold Niall's jaw open. Niall loves being pressed down and letting Louis do this. When it's over, he can literally taste Louis in every crevas of his mouth. Louis finally pulls away, breathless and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Until you reach your decision, how 'bout I take you on this couch?"


Niall's nervous as he looks at the time on his phone. Louis should be home soon; he got off work at five o'clock, and it's a ten minute drive home, and it's 5:08 right now. Niall's not entirely sure why he's so nervous. It's just a threesome, he keeps telling himself. Niall knows that the instant he feels uncomfortable, Louis will put a stop to it all. After Niall reached the decision that he is willing to do anything that'll make Louis happy, he talked to Liam, a close friend to Louis and him, and he happily agreed. Niall met him when he started dating Louis five years ago. Liam can be considered an expert in Niall's eyes when it comes to sex because he's had so much of it. Which is good because Niall wants to make sure everything is perfect.

"Calm down, Ni. Everything will be fine." Liam chuckles, jumping off the counter after Niall's rearranged the stuff on the table for the third time.

"I'm really nervous." He mumbles as his cheeks heat up. Liam sighs and walks over to younger boy and puts his hands on his shoulders.

"I've known Louis for years and I've never seen him so in love with anyone else than he is with you. He would never leave you for anyone. I promise." Niall's eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to tell him that he's wrong but nothing comes out. "Yeah, I know that's what you're thinking, but it's perfectly normal to feel that way. He loves you and sees himself spending the rest of his life with you." Niall nods and wraps his arms around Liam's broad structure.

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