20. The Date (Lilo)

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"Liam!" Louis' voice yells before Liam feels someome jump on his back. Louis wraps his arms around Liam's neck and legs around his waist tightly before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby. You ready for our date tonight?" Liam asks, continuing to walk to his car.

"Of course." Louis says.

"Good. I'll see you at my place at eight." Liam says as Louis drops off his back.

"Okay. Make sure to wear something sexy." He says, pressing a sweet kiss to Liam's cheek. Liam smiles and turns to give Louis to give him a dirty smile, but he's already walking away, ass swaying as he does. Liam shakes his head and gets in his car, feeling really excited for tonight.

He has a nice evening planned for him and Louis; they're going to eat a delicious dinner that Liam is going to cook. Then they're going to move over to the hot tub for desert. Liam knows tonight's the night. They have been dating for five months now, and they decided to celebrate their little anniversary. Sadly, though, they haven't had sex yet; they decided to take it slow after realizing that some of their past relationships probably didn't last because they rushed into something. But Liam knows that tonight's the night they take it to the next step.


Dinner is going great, if Liam does say so himself; they've spent the majority of the evening talking about things that have happened throughout the day during classes. Liam is a nursing student in his last year, and Louis is in his last year as a med student. That means that by May, he's going to have the title of Dr. Tomlinson, and Liam knows now that they're gonna have some fun with that. They've finished their food long ago and now are laughing about a joke Liam heard at school, which has Louis laughing so hard he can barely breathe. After they calm down, a silence consumes them. When Liam looks up at Louis, he's biting his lip and staring at hin with a lustful expression.

"You wanna get in the hot tub?" Liam asks. Louis smiles and nods his head, and Liam stands and leads Louis outside to the backyard where he started the hot tub before Louis arrived.

"Can I borrow some shorts?" He asks, but Liam just looks at him and smirks.

"I figured we could go skinny dipping." Liam says as he removes his shirt. He can see his breath as he lets out a sigh and pulls his boxers and pants off, throwing them to the side. Liam looks at Louis when he's completely naked, but Louis is still funny clothed, standing there with his arms wrapped around himself, shivering from the cold and looking Liam up and down as he bites his lip. "What's wrong Lou? You've never been skinny dipping before?"

"I have." He says defensively. "It's just cold."

"It's not in the hot tub. I turned it on before you got here." Liam says, stepping in and letting the hot, bubbly water prickle his skin. He sits down on the seat that rims the tub and motions for Louis to hurry up. Louis stares at Liam, almost not believing how confident Liam can be with his body and rolls his eyes as he starts taking his clothes off, too. Liam grips his cock feeling it beginning to chub up as he watches more and more of Louis' skin become uncovered. Louis looks up and sees what Liam is doing and shakes his head. He still has his boxers on when he climbs in and sits beside Liam.

"You really shouldn't be doing that, Liam." He whispers in Liam's ear. "Touching yourself without my permission...you should be ashamed of yourself." Liam nods and moans, gripping his cock harder. "That's your cue to stop." He growls. Liam does as he's told and grabs Louis through his pants instead. Louis releases guttural sound and grabs his wrist, moving Liam's hand for him so he's now massaging Louis' cock through his boxers. Louis tilts his head and and swallows, eyes closed as he enjoys his friction on his cock. Liam can tell that Louis is thick even though he's not fully hard, and fuck, he can't wait to get that in him. This the first time they've been unclothed this much in front of each other, things never moving past the time Liam jizzed his pants from humping Louis' thigh while they made out. Liam was so embarrassed, but Louis thought it was great.

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