44. My Brother's Best Friend (Lilo)

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Liam grabs his bag out the back of the car and meets his mom at the front door. He smiles at her, happy to see her. He hasn't been able to come visit his mom and little brother since last Christmas. His parents are divorced and he moved in with his dad and his brother stayed with his mom. He was thinking of moving in with his mom since his dad worked so much so they agreed to let him stay with her for a while to see if he could adjust to it. It's only his Junior year and he's planning on going to college nearby, so he figures he better get used to it anyway.

"Where's Harry? I thought he'd be happy to see me." Liam says. Liam's really close with his little brother Harry. He's the one who taught Harry to ride a bike and was even the one to explain the divorce to him.

"Oh I didn't tell him you were coming today so he went to a friend's house. Just a couple of days after you left last Christmas, a family moved in down the street with a boy named Louis. He's the sweetest little thing, invites Harry almost everywhere he goes, talks to him, helps him with his homework because he's a little bit older." She says, sitting on the couch.

"That's good." Liam says nodding his head. "Wait, how much older is Louis?"

"Oh he's just two years ahead, but he's a very sweet boy." She says, reassuring Liam. He raises his eyebrows at his mom, not liking the age difference at all. He doesn't want Harry hanging out with older kids because he doesn't want him getting mixed in with the wrong kind of people that will get him into trouble. Most people would say that two years isn't that bad but in Liam's eyes, teenagers older than Harry wanting to be his friend practically spells trouble. His mom must see the expression on Liam's face and lightly hits his arm. "It's not that bad. Louis and his parents are really sweet, and I can trust him. Don't be like that, Harry won't like it if you try to tell him who he can and can't be friends with."

Liam huffs, dropping down on the couch with his arms crossed. "Well I want to see Haz. When's he gonna be back?" Liam asks.

"Sometime around three or so. They were gonna go back to Louis' to play a new video game that he got. So that gives us time to help you settle in."

"Yay..." Liam mumbles.


Liam hears Harry yell for their mom downstairs and smiles to himself. He puts down the shirt he was folding and opens his door, stepping out quietly. He goes down the stairs and leans his back against the wall near the kitchen door where he can hear Harry telling his mom about the game his friend and him played. Liam peeks in and sees Harry's back to him, waving his arms to add more detail. Harry's gotten big, Liam sees. He's taller than their mom now. He's growing into his hands and feet and his hair cascades around his head, almost reaching his shoulders. His mom makes eye contact with him and winks. Harry misses it though and continues to talk.

Liam decides to play it cool and walks to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water and saying, "Hey Haz," as casually as he can. Harry stops talking and looks over at Liam standing by the fridge and opens his mouth in shock.

"Liam!" He squeals, running into the older boy's already open arms. Liam laughs and hugs the boy as tightly as he can. Harry's just below his temple now and his curls tickle Liam's face. "Oh my gosh! When did you get here?" He asks as he pulls away from Liam.

"While you were at your friend's house." Liam says, running his hand through Harry's curls. Harry gasps again and turns around.

"You need to meet Louis! You'll love him. I swear! He's so smart, and his mom's a doctor and she cooks the most amazing food, and he's so funny too!"

"Well where is he?" Liam asks, chuckling at Harry's behaviour.

"He got a call from his dad because his parents are divorced too, so he stayed outside for a few minutes. Oh I can't wait for you to meet him!" Liam looks at his mom with a raised eyebrow, and she laughs nodding her head. Liam hears the front door open and close, signalling that Louis has probably just come inside. "Louis, come in the kitchen!" Harry yells. Liam can hear the boy's footsteps get louder as he gets closer to the kitchen. Liam isn't sure exactly what he was expecting but he is honestly taken by surprise at the boy who walks into the room. He has light feathery brown hair and blue eyes that makes Liam suddenly want to go to the beach for a swim. He has pink plump lips with a lip ring on the right side of his bottom lip, and as Liam's eyes trail downward, he feels his body heat suddenly go through the roof. He's wearing a white American Eagle shirt that fits to his broad chest and shoulders and black skinny jeans that are rolled up just above his ankles and he's wearing black VANS. Liam finds this boy very attractive and he can't find it in him to deny it.

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