43. Testing One's Strength (Nouis)

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Louis stares at the glass of vodka, running his index finger around the rim of the glass. It's been eleven years since he's last ingested alcohol, and he feels too ashamed of himself to be here at this hotel bar, let alone start drinking again. Tonight hasn't been a good night for Louis, and he thinks that the bartenter, Liam, his name tag reads, can tell from the sympathetic looks that he gives Louis every time he looks his way. Louis hasn't even taken a sip of the drink yet, keeps asking himself if the hurt he's feeling is really worth it. He promised himself he wouldn't do this a long time ago after he was involved in a drunk driving accident that nearly killed him.

But tonight...tonight is just a night that Louis just wants to drink away so he can forget about it. It hurts him so much that Harry would choose his fame and reputation over Louis. They've been together for five years and for five years, Louis put up with being Harry's dirty little secret. God forbid that everyone knew how much Harry loved taking a fucking cock up his arse or that he was in love with a man who had said cock. Louis chuckles bitterly to himself and crosses his arms on top of the countertop. He can practically feel his mouth watering at the sight of the alcoholic drink in front of him, thinking about the good ol' days when drinking had helped him forget about his abusive mother and 'I can't keep my hands to myself' stepfather. He could drink until he blacked out, wake up with a terrible headache, and then go back to drinking. He never had to think about anything or anyone else but himself.

"Hi there." Louis glances to his right out of the corner of his eye. There's a blond boy standing there with his hands stuff into the pockets of his jeans. His white shirt has only a couple of buttons undone, not half of them like Harry normally does. He's young, Louis notices, way too young for him.

"Hi." He looks away from the boy, hoping he'll get the hint and leave Louis to sulk by himself.

"Having a bad night?" He asks, his Irish accent thick. Louis can hear him sit down in the stool next to him and nods his head, running his index finger over the rim of the glass again. "Are you gonna drink that? I've been watching you for twenty minutes now, and you haven't even picked it up."

"I'm a recovering alcoholic." He blurts out, hoping that'll scare the young boy off like it normally does to every other person who's ever tried to talk to him like this. But the boy doesn't run for the hills, just continues to sit there, breathing out a small "oh" as a response. They sit in that tense silence for a few moments before he puts a hand on Louis' shoulder.

"I don't know what you're going through, but maybe I can help distract you from it. You don't need alcohol for that." He says. Louis turns to the boy then.

"How old are you hun?" Louis asks.

"I'm 19. Why? How old are you?" He asks. Louis chuckles and turns away from him.

"Too old for you, love." He says.

"You can't be older than twenty-four though," the boy argues. Louis laughs and drops his head, shaking it at the boy's assumption.

"Add six years to that." The boy gapes and runs a hand through his fake blond hair. 

"You look...so young." He says. Louis smiles and looks back down at his drink. It's quiet for a few more minutes before the boy reaches in front of him and takes the drink away. When Louis looks at him with a raised brow, he shrugs and asks Liam for two glasses of water.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but why are you still here?" Louis asks once Liam's set the glasses in front of them.

"Honestly?" He asks, and Louis nods. The boy leans forward to whisper in his ear, his breath on Louis' neck sending shivers up his spine. "I saw you and thought that you looked like the kind of man who could really just hold me down and fuck me real hard, and now I'm trying to seduce you. I can take your mind off of whatever's bothering you, take you back to my room." Louis swallows and looks up at the bartender, but Liam looks at though he hadn't heard anything, thankfully. He turns to the blond boy and raises an eyebrow.

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