1. Bully

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Daisy POV:

"Are we almost done?" I asked my mom as she moved up the stairs in front of me. I couldn't really see her because of the boxes I was holding in front of my face but I'm sure she was rolling her eyes. Now I'm not one to complain but we've been at it all morning and afternoon unpacking and moving boxes.

"Yes daisy." My mom said obviously annoyed, "just a little bit more okay."

"Okay. Sorry." I said and continued up the stairs without another word. I followed my mom into her bedroom and set the boxes down.

"Hey honey." My mom said as she walked into the room. She set her boxes down on the bed and plastered a fake smile on her face. She shook her hips as she walked towards Paul.

Paul is my moms new boyfriend. My dad died two years ago on the job and already my mom is moving in with this man. I hate her for it but I could never tell her that. Especially since she guilts me about her happiness; about how happy Paul makes her.

I lay the boxes on the bed and walk out just as mom wraps her arms around Paul's neck. I roll my eyes and continue to the moving truck.

I'm not to fond of moving into Paul's Home but I am excited for a fresh start. Back in Orange County I was the girl who lost her dad and all the pity was just too much. Now I can recreate myself and be someone new in LA.

I'm not really sure how my mom met Paul but he's loaded. His house is huge. Although he's not the worst the man gives me the creeps there is just something about him that I know is off.

I jumped inside of the moving truck and grabbed a cardboard box that had "Daisy's clothes" written on the side of it. I hoped out of the truck and reached back in it to grab the box.

The sound of a front door slamming shut caught my attention and instead of grabbing the box I peaked around the side of the truck to see who it was. I watched a pissed off blonde hair boy stomp to a motorcycle in the middle of the driveway. He picked his head up and spotted me before he swung his leg over the bike and then put his helmet on. I watched his leather jacket tighten around his back as he reached for the handles.

He starts the engine and revs it a few times before backing out of his driveway. When he was about to pass me he stared at me through his helmet. It was completely blacked out so I couldn't see his face, but he got a good look at me. He revved his engine once more before taking off down the street.

I watched his figure get smaller as he drove down the street and once he was out of sight I turnt back to the truck and my box of clothes. I took my clothes to my new room and set them down with a sigh.

I threw myself into my mattress and just stared at the ceiling. Instantly my mind went to my dad and how much I missed him. How mom could move on I will never understand.

"What are you still doing here?!" Mom yelled running in my room. She pulled me away from my thoughts of Dad and I sat up quickly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She let out a frustrated sigh, "you are supposed to be in school."

"What!" I yelled jumping up from my bed. "You didn't tell me. I have nothing ready." I said scrambling to my feet.

"Well it's your first day and you're already late." Mom said stepping in my room.

"I don't have anything prepared for school." I said and looked at myself in the mirror. "I don't even have anything to wear ready."

"Just wear that." My Mom said looking me over "and grab your old school bag."

I glanced down at my clothes. I guess jeans and a T-shirt will have to do; so much for a good first impression. I found my school bag laying beside my mattress, still filled with my old schools material, I grabbed it and placed a strap over my right shoulder. I raced after Mom to the car.

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