5. Stars

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Daisy pov:

I have never seen so many stars in my life. Back in Orange County and even here in LA there are so many lights that it blocks out the small stars and you can only see a few, but here surrounded by this darkness you can see so many. The salt and peppered sky takes my breathe away.

I still can't believe he has only ever brought me here. Does that mean something? Maybe I'm just over thinking.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked peeling my eyes away from the stars and focusing them now on Corbyn and his moonlit profile.

He looked away from the stars too but instead of looking at me his eyes followed the light of the moon across the pond. I watched as he shrugged his shoulders and stared at the water.

With a sigh I leaned all the way back so I was now laying flat against the dock and stared once again at the stars. I let my mind wander to Dad, mom, my new life, new family, everything.

It wasn't until I was in deep thought of having a step dad and brother that I saw Corbyn observing me from the corner of my eye. I could tell there was a deep frown etched into my face so I took a deep breath and moved my eyes to look back at him.

He sighed and laid down beside me looking up at the stars. I didn't realize I was staring at him until he broke the silence by saying, " that's why I brought you here." Never taking his eyes off of the stars sprinkled above us.

"What is?" I questioned he still wasn't clear.

He turned to look at me and our eyes locked making my stomach do a flip. "You looked like you needed to think; away from everything else. That's why I brought you here, to help." He said as if it was the simplest thing ever.

I nod my head and turned to look back up at the stars. Just being here away from my "family" was already helping a lot and has given me a lot of time to focus on my thoughts. 

And even though I'm thinking a lot I still have no idea what to do. All I know is I'm still mad at my mom and I just don't understand how she could move on so fast.

Not wanting to get upset again I change my thoughts to Corbyn. My mind started to doubt him. Is he really a good guy? Why so many rumors about him? What is true? what's not? What are his intentions? Who even is he?

"Corbyn..." I said  looking up at the sky "why is everyone at the school scared of you?"  I asked now turning to look at him.

His eyes held a lot of sadness when I looked into them. Corbyn sat up so I sat up with him. He looked down at the water before meeting my eyes again. "Are you scared of me?" He asked hesitantly.

I was silent for a moment thinking of him and every moment leading up to this. "No" I replied confidently.

I watched all the worry in his eyes and face wash away and it even looked like 10 pounds lifted off of his shoulders. "Then no, you don't ever have to be scared of me"

"What about everyone else? Why are they scared of you?" I asked slightly rocking side to side.

He sighed, " I'm not gonna lie, I'm not always a great guy. I have a temper and I can be mean. And the people at school make me snap so fast, so that's why they are scared." He said rubbing a hand over his face.

"What about the rumors?" I asked pushing probably more than I should.

"What about them?" He replied. "You can't believe everything you hear you know"

"I know, but some of them are just..." I couldn't find the words I was looking for. "Like the one of you being in a gang. What's with that?"

He smirked a little and scoffed, "just because i have a motorcycle doesn't mean I'm in a gang"

"Ok" I replied and dropped the subject. I turned back towards the water and just stared at it.

A while later after much silence I heard Corbyn shuffling beside me. I didn't look up. I kept my eyes on the water.

It wasn't until I felt him standing above me watching that I turned to look at him. He was standing to my left with his hand outstretched.

I looked at his hand and then to his eyes. I raised my right hand but hesitated. "You know how I said I wasn't scared of you?..." I asked and waited for a response. All he did was nod his head as he looked down at me with his arm still outstretched. "Should I be scared of you?" I asked timidly.

He took a sharp intake of breath before saying, " I don't want you to be". His eyes held sincerity and it was enough for me to trust him that I would be okay and safe.

I reached my hand up and placed it in his. He quickly wrapped his hand around mine and pulled me up a little too fast because I went flying into his chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me held up.

I slowly raised my head up to look at him. It wasn't until my eyes met his that I realized how close we were. I watched his eyes flicker to my lips and then found myself staring at his. Slowly we both leaned forward, but stopped when the wind suddenly picked up and blew my blonde hair between us covering my lips from his.

Corbyn let out a small chuckle before raising his right pointer finger and dragging his finger  across my cheek and behind my ear taking with it my hair that separates our lips. I blushed a deep red from him being so close and almost kissing.

"Come on, I should probably get you home." He said before slowly pulling his arm away from my back and the side of my face. With a small smile I nodded and followed him silently back through the woods and to his bike. All the while thinking of what just happened before we left the dock.

I know it's been forever since I updated and I'm sorry. I hope you guys like, let me know. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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