10. Sugarcoated Truth

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Daisy POV:

I held on tight to Corbyn as he flew down the streets. I didn't know if this would be my last ride with him so I tried to memorize every moment of it. I wasn't as nervous as I was before maybe because we didn't say anything or because I knew where he was taking us. We were heading to the sanctuary again and it truly did calm me as it felt like a safe space, as a sanctuary would.

We turned off onto the familiar dirt road and my heart rate picked up again. Before I knew it the engine was shut off and it was my turn to climb off the bike. I took my helmet off and Corbyn did the same and for the first time that night we had made eye contact and I felt completely in his trance. There's something about the way he looks at me that I just can't escape from. We stood in comfortable silence each on one side of the bike until he began to move towards me. As he rounded the bike and got closer I took a step back. He took notice and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I would never hurt you," he said as he outstretched his hand for me to hold.

I knew there was some sincerity in his voice and words and without hesitation, I placed my hand in his and let him lead me through the woods toward the sanctuary. I only prayed my hands weren't as clammy as they felt earlier.

The trip through the woods to the dock was much quicker in the light when you could see where you were stepping. When we arrived at the dock still neither of us had said anything. We both sat down at the edge of the pond with our feet dangling above the water. I refused to look at him because I wasn't ready to know the truth. But after a few minutes, I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face. I could feel my cheeks heat up and turned to look away from him.

Third Person POV:

"What do you want to know?" Corbyn asked starting the dreaded conversation.

"The truth," was all Daisy could muster for the moment. Corbyn sat silently waiting and Daisy turned to look him in the eye. It was hard to look at his captivating eyes so she looked at her fingers that she played within her lap. Daisy shrugged her shoulders and reflected on the questions she prepared all day today.

"Are you actually in a gang?" Daisy asked meeting his eyes for only a moment.

Daisy heard him sigh and watched as he turned his head to look at the water instead of her. "That's a difficult question..." Corbyn's internal battle began with what he could tell her and what he should keep to himself. He wanted to tell Daisy the whole truth but knew it would drive her away from him.

"It's a yes or no" Daisy stated.

He hesitated to respond he knew the answer and he knew she wouldn't like it, "I suppose it would be a yes". His answer was very vague and left a lot up to the imagination.

"Do you sell drugs? And I don't mean weed I mean harder drugs like coke or heroin." Daisy asked though she could easily assume that answer and hoped it wouldn't be a 'yes'.

"we do" was all he said and now it was Daisy's turn to sigh. She was disappointed. Already Daisy was preparing herself to keep my distance from him. Dasiy knew her father would never have allowed her to associate with a drug dealer or gang member being that he was a cop. And just sitting beside Corbyn now felt as though she was disappointing her father because he raised her to do better.

"What happened with that boy the other day? Did you hurt him because he didn't get you money in exchange for your drugs?" Daisy asked watching him. Corbyn closed his eyes as he searched for the correct words. He was going to tell her the truth, even though it may be a sugarcoated version of the truth. Daisy could see that he was having an internal struggle to find his words and patiently waited as she didn't want to provoke him.

Corbyn turned to look back at her as he spoke and this time Daisy didn't turn away. "He sells our product. And as a supervisor, it is my job to make sure that everything runs smoothly. So, when he doesn't have my payment due to me on time then we have an issue..." he hesitated and turned to look back at the water. "What you saw behind the school is how people like me deal with others that don't do their job correctly and on time. We have to show them how important it is to follow the rules or there will be consequences. And that was the consequence, so yes it was because he didn't get me the money on time."

While listening Daisy could tell Corbyn was being very cautious and particular with his word choice but she still had a clear understanding of the severity and danger in what he was saying. Daisy was growing more and more fearful of Corbyn with his reply to each of her questions. Instead of replying she just nod her head and moved onto another question not wanting to lead on that she was growing fearful.

"Do you regularly hurt people?" Daisy asked with worry and fear in her eyes.

"Only when necessary" Corbyn said emotionlessly.

Daisy's fear only grew. She pulled her legs up from the side of the dock to in front of her chest and wrapped her arms around them as if to hold herself. Corbyn could read her body language and could tell it was for her protection because she was growing fearful and distant towards him. He knew right then he was losing her and determined it might be best for them to distance themselves from one another. He wanted Daisy really, but he would rather her be safe than with him. Corbyn lives a life of danger and can be dangerous himself with his very short temper.

"Why did you hit Zach then?"

Corbyn knew he had to lie and he had to do it so she wouldn't want to be around him. "Cause I felt like it," he said carefree. Daisy could sense his tone and demeanor change but didn't question it because his words scared her.

"Because you felt like it?" Daisy repeated in a question to make sure she heard him correctly.

"Yes. I wanted to fight him so I did," he lied. Yes, he was in the wrong to start a fight at all, but he did it because he was angered by the way Zach spoke poorly about him to Daisy.

"Do you do that often?" she questioned.

"Whenever I get mad," he stated nonchalantly.

"Do you get mad a lot?" Daisy asked pulling her knees even closer.

"A lot" he smiled "And there's no controlling it. I do what I want and I hit what I want and there's no stopping me."

Daisy was now terrified and wanted to go home. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Daisy clutching herself tightly and refusing to look in the direction of Corbyn, but if she had she would have seen his longing eyes.

Daisy stood and so did Corbyn without a word. Daisy looked to his hand but he didn't hold it out for her. She didn't know if she was relieved or not that he hadn't but she would have denied it either way. They walked back to the bike in silence. Both of them knew they wouldn't be speaking to each other much or sneaking out to the sanctuary together.

They rode back to the house on Corbyn's bike and Daisy didn't have as tight of a grip as before which Corbyn took notice of. As they arrived back to their homes Corbyn watched her walk away without a word. Daisy couldn't even muster up a smile before turning and leaving. Corbyn knew Daisy was going to become just another classmate that's scared of him. And Daisy knew she wouldn't ever be able to look at Corbyn the same all she could see was his anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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