4. Sanctuary

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"Look I know y-you are probably mad about earlier, b-but please I don't wanna die." I said closing my eyes again and raising my hands up in defense.

He said nothing instead he gently wrapped his fingers around my hand and lowered them. I was still scared, but peaked my left eye open. He was just standing there watching me with a bit of a pout on his lips. I opened both of my eyes and looked around.

He released my wrist and took a small step back wearing a blank face with no emotion. Maybe I should run? All I've heard about this boy is that he is nothing but bad.

Not waiting for this to be the last moments of my life I took two small steps back before turning and sprinting. I ran past his bike and towards the main road. I could hear the stomping of his feet behind me but I wasn't slowing down.

As I turned down a new street I heard the roaring of a motorcycle engine. It wouldn't be long before he was at my heels but that didn't deter me from getting as far as possible. I had no  idea where I was running all I knew was it was away from him.

I only got past one more house before his motorcycle was beside me. We both turned our heads towards each other at the same moment, we'd of made direct eye contact if he didn't have a helmet covering his head and face, and then back towards where we were headed. Two seconds later he reved his engine and sped past me only to spin the back end of the motorcycle around and stop sideways in the street, stopping me in my place too only steps from running through his bike.

I don't know why but I stood there frozen. That's it, I'm over.

He kicked the kick stand down and swung his leg over the bike and moved towards me. I don't know why but I wasn't as scared as before, maybe it was because I couldn't see his eyes. There's something in his eyes that draws me in but I know they've seen so much more that they scare me at the same time.

He now stood inches in front of me. He raised his hands to his helmet and it slowly revealed his face, and then those mesmerizing eyes. Suddenly they were pulling me in again instead of scaring me.

I was so focused on his eyes that I didn't notice his hand now holding mine and leading me towards the bike.

"Get on." He said now sitting on the front of the bike.

"W-what?" I gasped looking at the dangerous machine he was sitting on.

His hand still holding mine pulled me closer. He took the helmet from under his arm and slipped it over my head.

"What but its so dangerous." I proclaimed lifting the glass part that covered my face. I was confused by this whole situation.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said and released his fingers from my hand.

I sucked in a breath and swung my legs over the motorcycle. Why I don't know, but I Would rather do this than go home and just sit and cry. I placed my hands on his shoulders and waited for him to start the motorcycle.

He chuckled and removed my hands from his shoulder instead he wrapped them around his waist. I felt my heartbeat picking up and I'm sure he could feel it with my chest pressed against his back.

He let go of my hands and turned on the motorcycle. "Hold on." He said two seconds before reving the engine and racing down the street with me clinging to him for dear life. I let out a bit of a scream which made him chuckle and my whole body felt the vibrations of his laugh. Seems my fear amuses him.

He sped up even more making me hold tighter and tuck my face behind his back. I watched for a while as houses flew by. Wait where was he taking me?  I lifted my head beside his shoulder so I could memorize the route we were taking just in case.

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