7. Ignoring

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Daisy pov:

As soon as the bell rang Corbyn was out of his seat and out the class door. He seemed very happy to get away from me.

I slowly trudged out of the class my backpack feeling even heavier along with my mood.

"Daisy can you please come to my desk?"

"Yes" I replied calmly but on the inside my anxiety was peaking. Would I be in trouble for passing a note to Corbyn?

As I stood on the side of his desk he let out a sigh. He grabbed a sticky note and began writing without a word. When he finished he handed it to me. I glanced at it and read what he wrote. "You need to get this book for my class from the library." He said as the bell rang.

"Ok I will go today" I said and backed away trying to go as soon as possible to not be too late to my next class.

"Oh and daisy" He said making me stop, "can you please keep an eye on Corbyn and maybe help him. I know he's art he just needs a little encouragement."

"Did you talk to him about this?" I asked

"Yes. At the beginning of class."

"And what did he say?" I asked curious to know what he would have said.

"He said 'okay'" I was surprised by his answer but just nodded my head and left

I saw Corbyn in the hallway standing alone. He only watched me, observing my every move, never saying anything. I walked past him, acting as though he wasn't even there, never saying anything.

Lucky for me I didn't get in trouble for arriving late.

When lunch rolled around I decided now would be a good time to get my book for world history. I walked into the muggy library and towards the area I assumed the book would be in.

Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat? Curiosity also killed all respect I had for Corbyn.

As I walked back towards the books I heard quiet murmuring, of course my curiosity got the better of me so I tip toed toward the whispering. I peered through the book shelf spotting Corbyn and another boy.

Corbyn was standing there with a small freshman boy. I stood silently watching through the books.

"Do you have my money?" Corbyn practically growled making the boy cower in fear.

"No" the boy shook his head wincing.

"How hard is it to sell drugs and bring back the money?" Corbyn whisper yelled through gritted teeth.

The boy raised his hands in defense and I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips when I saw Corbyn raise his fist. He immediately stopped and turned towards my direction to which I had already crouched down out of sight.

"Meet me behind the school at the end of the day. If you aren't there..." I couldn't hear the rest of what Corbyn said because I was moving away from there and to the opposite side of the library.

I watched the boy scramble out of the library and Corbyn move to the next aisle over to see if someone had been there. As he picked his head up to scam the library I moved my eyes to the books in front of me. Which to my luck was indeed the history area.

I looked at the sticky note and then looked at the book spines trying to find the identical words.

I was so focused on scanning each spine of the book that I didn't feel Corbyn's presence behind me until I saw his hand next to my arm.

When I turned around to face him I turned right into his chest. He was close, so close, he pretty much had me caged in with his arm. A frown formed on my lips and I turned back around to find the book.

I was just about to grab the book when Corbyn's hand, the one not already on the bookshelf, grabbed it. I was now completely enclosed by his arms. He slowly pulled the book off the shelf and held it close to him so I would have to turn around.

I slowly turned keeping my eyes on the book. He held it between us. He was still so close with only the book between us. I was already backed up to the book shelf so there wasn't much more I could move.

"Here." He said. I guess he's talking to me now.

"Thanks." I gave a small reply. I still wanted to ignore him but I'm this situation I really couldn't. And I was very angry at him for having a freshman sell drugs for him. The respect I had for Corbyn was now almost gone. He was basically showing me the rumors about him were true.

"You're welcome" He said. As I took the book from his hand. "And no" He said taking a step back and with one last look turning and leaving the library.

"No? No what?" I whispered out loud to myself.  With my book I left the library and went straight to the cafeteria.

All I could focus on was the interaction at the library. What was gonna happen to that boy after school? What did he mean by no? Who is Corbyn really?

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