9. 5 O'Clock

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Thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy :)

Daisy's POV:

When I woke up this morning Kara was wide awake and waiting for me to wake up. "What was Corbyn doing in your room last night? How do you guys know each other? Do you have a relationship? Why were you crying? What happened?" She quickly rushed out every question she had.

"Woah, woah, woah" I said as I sat up. "I haven't even been awake a full minute." I said as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Kara just sat there staring and watching and waiting for me to answer each of her questions. "How did you even know he was here?" I asked.

"I was fake sleeping" she said nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulders. "It was really awkward and there was so much tension in the room"

I proceeded to tell her everything that happened between me and Corbyn I only left out a few things about the sanctuary like where it was and how we almost kissed. I knew Kara wouldn't leave until I told her everything and she was eating this gossip up like it was her breakfast.

"You got on the back of his bike that's insane!!!" She yelled with wonder and excitement glossing over her eyes.

I told her about the library and about the beating the boy took behind the school and how I couldn't look at Corbyn the same.

"He's like a completely different person with you. He's soft and gentle and to everyone else he's cold and harsh" Kara said with amazement.

"I know but it's scary that he can switch so fast. I think I need to keep my distance for my own safety" I said to Kara as my mind raced back to the boy he had beaten up behind the school. "He's like a ticking time bomb of anger and I don't want to be at the receiving end of it".

"I understand that, but Daisy... I don't think he would ever do anything to hurt you" Kara said timidly. "He could have easily hurt you in the hallway when you broke up that fight, but he didn't, he stopped fighting. And when you pushed him to runaway he could have fought back and he didn't. Had this of been any other person he would have fought back"

I didn't respond. I didn't know how. I wanted to believe it but I just couldn't trust that it could be true. Kara left not much later and I began to think of what would be happening later tonight. Her words stirred in the back of my mind the rest of the afternoon.

I thought of everything we would talk about tonight and all the questions I needed to ask as I finished decorating and organizing my room. I thought of all the questions I would ask him as I removed items from boxes. I thought of all the horrible scenarios of how things would turn out if everything went wrong while hanging up clothes. I thought of how great the conversation could go while I hung up lights and pictures. And I thought of how skipping or him not showing up might go while I put up any finishing touches. Regardless of how tonight would go I was already feeling very anxious and it was only 2:30. It was going to be 5 o'clock sooner than I wanted it to be.

Corbyn POV:

I hardly slept at all last night. The look on Daisy's face and the way she refused to look at me was seared into my eyes. I never wanted her to look at me like that. And I never wanted her to pull away from my touch and already it was happening. It only confirmed my suspicion that she had seen what happened behind the school. She had every right to be scared of me, but I didn't want her to.

I didn't spend the day with the boys as I normally would. Right now I would be at the warehouse going over our product and checking inventory but my mind wouldn't be there. Besides Jack and Jonah can run things just fine on their own.

I can only assume that Daisy will be asking for the truth. And yes I will tell her the truth it just may be a little sugarcoated as some things are better left unknown. I want to tell her everything, I just don't think she would accept me if she knew who I was and what I did.

I'm not sure how to word my answers so that they don't seem so bad. It's likely she will ask if I'm in a gang. I don't know that I'd necessarily call it that. It's just a small group of friends that are like brothers and would do anything to protect one another. Yes we do distribute drugs ,and protect our turf, we do have guns, and would deliver pain to anyone that didn't get us our payment or backstabbed us. But I'm not sure I would call that a "gang".

I laid in bed occasionally glancing towards Daisy's house, but I saw no signs of life. My mind raced as I thought of and anticipated how the night would go. 5 o'clock couldn't come soon enough.

At 4:50 I watched daisy stroll out of her house. She stood on her front step for a moment staring at my house. She couldn't see me but I watched her as she stared and then turned to walk down the street towards the playground that I found her at the other night.

I waited until 5 to leave my house. I didn't want to seem too eager and I also didn't want to beat her there. And by waiting it gave her more time to think and get comfortable before I arrived.

Third person POV:

It was 5:01 now and there was no Corbyn in sight. Daisy sat on the swings staring at the clock on my phone. Nervous that he would show and slightly relieved that he hadn't shown yet. Daisy hated confrontations and was now starting to question why she had agreed to this, maybe just to get him out of my room or maybe because she really wanted the truth.

Not even a minute later and Daisy heard the roaring sound of a motorcycle engine. Her heart rate picked up and her hands became clammy. Didn't take much longer for her to see his figure not far off in the distance on his motorcycle. He had his helmet on but she could already feel his eyes watching her on the swing, and she was right. Corbyn didn't take his eyes off of her the moment he saw her.

Corbyn left his bike running while he got off and walked towards Daisy. He could see her visibly swallow and lean further away from him in fear. Daisy couldn't see the disappointment and hurt in his eyes from her actions because his helmet remained on. Her eyes traveled to his left hand holding the helmet she had used the other night. Without a word Corbyn outstretched the helmet to her. Daisy hesitated and stared at the helmet a moment before slowly reaching for it. She stood from the swing and put the helmet on.

Without a word Corbyn grabbed her hand and lead daisy to his motorcycle. He climbed on first letting go over her hand. He waited for her to climb on and when she didn't he turned to look at her. Nothing was said but after a moment daisy climbed on the back and wrapped her arms around his waist. Daisy held on a little extra tight considering the conversation that was to be had soon would determine if she was to distance herself or not she still had right now to hold on tight. And Corbyn wished she would hold him just a little tighter just in case this was going to be the end.

Thank you for waiting so long for this chapter. Let me know what you think and what you want to see in the comments. I hope to have another update very soon ;)

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