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Sorry lol this isn't an update but I got tagged by Jennie_Tuan01 so yeah.

Sorry lol this isn't an update but I got tagged by Jennie_Tuan01  so yeah

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1. Type of phone you have
I have a really crappy iPhone 4s...

2. Do you have a crush?
No, not unless you count the 50+ Asian men I stan...

3. Birthday
April 14, 2003

4. Best Friends

5. Favorite Song
Uhhhhm maybe Runaway by Pentagon or Thirsty by Taemin.

6. Your biggest fear
There's a lot of things, actually. Bugs, snakes, fish, heights, public speaking, lizards, frogs, crackheads, drugs, people, guns, and probably many more things.

7. Color of your hair
So, technically when I was born, I had like bleach blonde hair, but when I grew up, it got wayyy darker so it's like dirty blonde. BUT I dye my hair lighter blonde every once in a while so it's like blonde again, but I haven't dyed my hair in a long time so it's like half blonde, half dirty blonde.

8. Favorite subject
Choir and P.E.

9. Favorite sport
To play: basketball
To watch: football (this one 🏈)

10. Tag 20 people and they have to do it
I don't have any friends lol so I'm not gonna, but if you wanna do it just do it and say I tagged you.

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