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You stared at your wall trying to think of something to do.

'Dammit, why did I have to lie about having plans with Jimin?!'

You wanted to call her and ask to hang out, but you figured she would be hanging out with Kevin, so you forgot about it.

You wish you could go back to hanging out with Jae. You should have just sucked it up and stayed with him despite the awkwardness—

The only trouble is, if Jisung found out you were hanging out with him so much, he might never forgive you...

But it's not like it was your fault. You just happened to like Jae. You didn't mean to fall in love with your brother's best friend...

Anyways, you just ended up playing games on your phone for awhile, until someone knocked at the door.

You got out of your bed and went to answer the door.


You were kind of done with this shit... why does everyone want to see you?!

"Y/n! Perfect! I need you to come with me."

Baekhyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of your house and shut the door.

You looked at him in shock.

"U-ummmm— excuse me?!"

Without listening to you, he dragged you away from the door and made way for a black car.

You could feel tears forming in your eyes as the door opened someone yanked you in.

You heart was racing and you mind was fuzzy.

'Am I being kidnapped by Byun Baekhyun?!'

You could feel tears rolling down your eyes, until someone seemed to be wiping them away.

You let your vision adjust.

It was Sehun.

"Y/n-ah don't cry! Please don't cry!"

Your tears faded away, and you made a disgusted face.


Sehun put his hand over your mouth.

"Okay— maybe it's better if you cry.."

You tried with all of your strength to get away from him, but it was hopeless. You were stuck in his grasp...

Tears began flowing from your eyes once again, as you saw someone else turn to you from the passengers seat.

"Y/n, we didn't want it to come to this, but Luhan really tried being nice..."

It was Kris..

"no one rejects Luhan. Especially twice—"

You began crying harder.

So this whole thing was about Luhan. It appears Chen was right...

You watched Baekhyun get into the driver's seat through your teary eyes.

He put the keys in the ignition, and started to drive off.

You immediately tried to figure out where they were taking you, but as soon as Sehun figured out what you were doing, everything went dark.

As much as you wanted to keep your conscience, you couldn't, and you crashed into a deep sleep.

- -

Eventually, the car came to a quick stop.

The doors opened, and who you assumed to be Sehun picked you up and began carrying you somewhere.

You wanted to see where you were, but decided it would be best if they thought you were asleep.

Nobody said a word, until you heard a door get opened.

The room was full of familiar voices, that made you feel calm, but at the same time worried...

"Yah Sehun I thought I told you I didn't want her hurt!!"

"Hyung, she's not hurt, just asleep."

"Then why are there dried tears on her face?!"

"Ummmmm maybe because we kidnapped her?"

"I told you to be rational!!"

Sehun's grip on you tightened.

"I TRied but she started yelling—"

"Whatever. Just put her in there. Chen, watch the door."

Before you knew it, you were on the move again.

Another door opened, and Sehun set you down.

"Kyungsoo-hyung, Luhan told me to give you this. He said you knew what to do with it."

"Okay, make sure Chen watches the door."

You heard footsteps, and then the door shut and locked.

"Aishhhh— why did it have to be me..?"

It was definitely D.O.

You could hear his footsteps walk towards you.

You wondered what he was supposed to do...

You felt the blindfold on you get taken off, however you kept your eyes shut.

He tilted your head back and looked at your 'sleeping' face.

"Aiiiissshh.... I can't do this—"

He tilted your head back and you thought he was going to leave.

However, he grabbed both of your shoulders and began violently shaking you.

"Y/n-ahhhh! Y/n-ahhhhhhhhh!!"

You opened your eyes and looked at him in confusion.

"Look, Y/n. I don't want to be a part of this, but I also don't want to get killed. Can you put this on and pretend to be asleep again?? I won't look— I promise!!"

D.O. held out a red dress and matching heels.

You were still shocked from being 'awoken', but you nodded and took the clothes.

"I-I'll just go over here—"

D.O went to the other side of the room and looked away as you changed into the dress and heels.

You sat back down where you were and got D.O's attention.


D.O turned around and made eye contact with you before going for the door. He was about to open it, but first replied.

"I've got to go now. Close your eyes and pretend you never knew I was here!"

He quickly opened the door and left, closing it behind him.

'What the fuck is going on?!'

'Did I just get kidnapped by EXO for a date?'


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Uh so just a heads up, I love EXO with all my heart, don't hold anything against them, it's just a story ;-;

Also wow look who decided to update lol

Sorry I have no excuses, writing is just harder for me to do lately

Thanks again for all the support on this book I started like two years ago ;-;

Love you guys <3


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