Chapter 1

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"I'm not gonna repeat the same question Damian, where is she?! " said Mr. Wilson as he splash a pail of cold water toward Damian who is now tied with straight jacket. "Fuck... Like hell i would. " Damian smirked, glaring his green eyes toward the old veteran Demon hunter who is now investigating about the whereabout of a great demonlord, Raven, the queen of the underworld.


Mr. Wilson spoken about this case to Bruce Wayne, the dark demon hunter which is situated in Gotham Bay. Mr. Wilson present him the pattern of the rapidness demon appeared at the Phoenix, he conclude that the queen might be there. Bruce noded as he listening. " So, all i need is your support to keep an eye on this region." Mr. Wilson gives his opinion about the current situation. Bruce concentrated looking at the map with his hand framed his chin, thinking about the strategy. " For this occasion I decided to give you one of my trusted apprentice and don't worry,he's one of the best paladin that I've accounted for. He's my son. " Bruce with solemnly tell Mr. Wilson about his only blood successor.

"Are you talking about Damian? " Mr Wilson confirm who is Bruce talking about. "well, I do have other sons but they've been located at other bases." as Bruce recall Richard, Jason and Timothy whereabout. "So, where's this young lad of yours? " Mr. Wilson trying to search for The son of legendary Demon hunters. "Looking for me? " a young man came with his trusty black stallion, Goliath. "What's the status for north Titan Wall?" Bruce asked him as Damian climb down from his ride and walk towards them while his hand holding his sword, Rage Robin, sheathed with black leather saccabard. " Everything cleared as my team has taking care of the demon spawned near by the water resources." he said as he took off his mask to avoid demon from marking the demon hunter face for other demon to recognize them.

"Damian, I would like to introduce you to our frontline officer, Mr. Wilson. " as Bruce stood up. "Greetings. " Mr. Wilson held out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. " as Damian grab the middle aged man's hand after he removed his leather gloves. His face remain serious like his father.

‎" As we were discussed, Damian. I suggested you to follow Mr. Wilson to the Phoenix for further investigation. " said Bruce. "Phoenix? Why is that? " Damian raised his bold and sharp eyebrow as he heard the statement. "We have a theory that the Queen of Underworld might be roaming there. " said Mr Wilson as his lip curled up. "Queen? Sounds big. " Damian showing his interest with the subject. " If we be able to defeat this Queen perhaps we could stop this demon infestation." Mr Wilson point the map where the demon appeared frequently judging by how many have been reported by the public.

‎"Count me in then." said Damian as he prepared his items, weapons and other necessary subjects for the big hunting and packed in a huge leather bag.

‎"Great! " Mr. Wilson smiled and started to tidy his stuff as well. "Very well then. " said Bruce as he goes to one of his desk retrieving one of item that he received from their Division Army merchant, Mr Fox. " I would like both of you have this." Bruce held out a small crate of bottled clear liquid to Damian and Mr. Wilson. Damian take it without hesitant and stored it with his supply. "Mr. Fox has invented a powerful potion that could power up your armed weapon as well as can served as blind grenade for the demons. " Bruce explained the usage of the potion as Mr. Wilson take out the vile and study it. "However, it is very limited because it's new. I hope there will be more in the future if this potion is successful. " said Bruce.

‎"We'll have it tested in no time. " Damian smirked as he love to testing new weapon with the enemy for more convenient. " Everything's ready? " Mr. Wilson asked the dark hair young man. "Yes." Damian nodded as he climbing Goliath. "Damian, be sure to send me report during the investigation. " as Bruce gives a device communicator that could capture image, maps, topography, tracks and as well as sending message. "Got it. " Damian kept the device inside his leather trench coat.

‎"Time for us to go then. " said Mr. Wilson as he climb his horse, Deathstroke. Damian nodded then give a rather simple salute to his father. Bruce nodded as he watch his son went out with the frontline officer towards the West gate. Bruce take out his communicator and received a message from Timothy about the South Titan gate.

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